Merton's Sites and Policies Plan and Policies Map was submitted to the Secretary of State on 2 October 2013. Mr. R. Yuille MSc DipTP MRTPI was appointed to conduct the examination.

Merton Council appointed a Programme Officer, Pauline Butcher, to manage the Sites and Policies Plan and Policies Map examination on behalf of the Planning Inspector.

Submission documents

The majority of the submission documents have already been published.

Due to the large file sizes for some of these documents and the difficulty of uploading them onto a single webpage, in some cases links are provided to other webpages where these documents can be found.

Any document that is being published here for the first time is uploaded directly on to this webpage.

See the Sites and Policies Examination web page for more details on the public hearings which took place between 21 - 30 January 2014

Contact us

Future Merton
London Borough of Merton
12th Floor Civic Centre
London Road
Morden SM4 5DX

Telephone: 020 8545 4141 or 020 8545 3837
Fax: 020 8545 4160