This consultation took place between 15 July and 30 August 2013 and is now closed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.
This final plan has been influenced by the feedback received during the previous consultation stages, local research, national policy and the research, policies and projects from the Mayor of London.
The Sites and Policies Plan (reference SP4.1, stage 4, pre-submission) is a very large document so it has been split into sections to make it easier to download.
- Introduction and detailed Planning Policies
- Introduction to sites and maps
- Colliers Wood: sites and maps
- Mitcham: sites and maps
- Morden: sites and maps
- Raynes Park: sites and maps
- Wimbledon: sites and maps
- Changes between the 2003 and 2013 policies maps
The plans were updated to illustrate the changes between the final plans and those published for Stage 3 Draft final plan consultation (January 2013) using red text and strikethroughs.
You can also view the same maps as illustrated for the whole borough: Please be aware that the maps below are exactly the same as those contained in the "Stage 4 pre-submission publication" documents above. The maps below illustrate the whole borough, whereas the maps above are divided into different areas.
This map does not include flood risk areas, conservation area boundaries, archaeological priority zones, historic parks and gardens or scheduled ancient monuments; these are included in the map below. These land designations are either unchanged or subject to change by a different organisation.
Stage 4: map of flood risk areas, conservation areas, archaeological priority zones, scheduled ancient monuments. These areas are generally unchanged from the previous plans or are amended by a different organisation (for example the Environment Agency reviews and amends boundaries for areas of flood risk)
Stage 4: detailed policies maps of town centres at Colliers Wood, Mitcham, Morden and Wimbledon
- town centre boundaries
- Core and secondary shopping frontages within town centres
- neighbourhood parades
- open space boundaries
- Sites of Importance for Nature conservation
Responses to this consultation can be read below.
Wherever possible, we have removed identifying details for individuals responding to the consultation (for example, personal addresses, email addresses and signatures).
Many people are interested in responses that refer to the Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium and Wimbledon Library; these responses are indicated below.
- AFC Wimbledon and GRA Ltd letter (refers to Wimbledon Greyhound stadium)
- masterplan design report
- masterplan drawing 109
- masterplan drawing 110
- masterplan drawing 150
- masterplan drawing 510
- masterplan drawing 512
- AFC GRA stadium proposal
- AFC GRA flood risk
- AFC GRA transport and highways
- AFC Wimbledon business plan
- Arul. T
- Astranta Asset Management
- Avery. L (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Barnes.J
- Bazley J.(Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Bellamy. J
- Cantor. L
- Chapman. S (refers to Wimbledon library
- Chibnall N refers to Wimbledon library
- Cllr. Jeanes. MJ
- Collier. F
- Congrave. J
- Co-operative Group
- Costco Wholesale UK Ltd
- Craggs. D and P (refers to Wimbledon library)
- Davey E (refers to Wimbledon library)
- de Montes .M (refers to Wimbledon library)
- Dibartolo A (refers to Wimbledon library
- Drinkwater .A (refers to Wimbledon library)
- Edwards. T (refers to Wimbledon library)
- Elson D G (refers to Wimbledon library)
- English Heritage
- Environment Agency (refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Floaherty J
- Friends Life Ltd C/O AXA Real Estate
- Gilbert. J (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Greater London Authority (refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Goodson .Mrs
- Graham. R (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Hogarth .P
- Howell. L
- Hume Consulting (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Jauffret C (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Jeans. G (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Kames Capital
- Kaveh D
- LBM Director of Public Health
- LB. Sutton
- London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority
- Liongate Properties
- London Gypsy Traveller Unit
- Mallon M (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Martin V.M
- Mayor Office for Policing and Crime/MPS
- McManus P (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- McTernan W (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Mellors J (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Merton Priory Homes
- Mitcham Cricket Green
- Morrison Wm PLC
- National Grid (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Natural England
- Newman E
- Nicholson.J.D
- Paetke S (Refers to Wimbledon library
- Pizzuto A
- Poutain J
- Raynes Park and West Barnes Residents Residents Association
- Residents Association West Wimbledon
- Rooney A (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Rutherford E (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Sheehan S (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Smart M (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Smith N
- Snell J (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Sport England (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Stephenson R (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Stockwell D (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Stone M
- Telfer.J (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Transport for London (TfL)
- Thames Water Utilities Ltd (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- The Theatres Trust
- Tolmie M (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Waitrose Ltd
- Wallace S (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Walsh R (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Wandle Valley Regional Park (WVRP)
- Wimbledon East Hillside Residents Association (refers to Wimbledon library)
- Wellsborough Development Ltd
- Whelan P (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Wimbledon Community Association (Refers to Wimbledon library)
- Wimbledon Park Residents Association (Refers to Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
- Wimbledon Society (Refers to Wimbledon library and Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium)
See also
- Sites and Policies Plan
- Submission of Merton's Sites and Policies Plan to the Secretary of State (October 2013)
- Examination of Merton's Sites and Policies Plan (January 2014)
Contact us
Future Merton
London Borough of Merton
12th Floor Civic Centre
London Road
Morden SM4 5DX
Telephone: 020 8545 4141 or 020 8545 3837
Fax: 020 8545 4160