The Merton Shared Lives Scheme offers an accommodation-based service for people who need some support in their everyday lives.

Shared Lives Carers provide support within their own homes, either on a long-term basis or through short respite stays. They can also offer floating support in another property for those who may only need low-level support.

Shared Lives offers an alternative to other forms of care such as residential care homes or supported living, particularly for those who prefer not to live alone.

Who the scheme is for

The scheme supports:

  • adults aged 18 and over with a learning disability, mental health issue or physical health issue
  • care leavers 
  • young people moving to adult services

Benefits of Shared Lives

The scheme provides consistent support from someone who knows the individual well. These relationships can last a lifetime, bringing huge wellbeing benefits. Shared Lives helps to build confidence and opens up new experiences like family holidays, new hobbies or, in some cases, entering the world of work.

Shared Lives Carers can help individuals to:

  • look after themselves
  • keep healthy and active
  • manage their money
  • share domestic tasks like cooking and cleaning
  • complete forms
  • understand letters
  • learn new skills
  • meet new people
  • enjoy hobbies and activities

How to get a Shared Lives placement

First of all you need to let your social worker, key worker or care manager know you are interested in being referred to the scheme. You could also ask a family member to assist you in beginning this process.


The Merton Shared Lives Scheme is committed to providing good quality support and care to people within the homes of Shared Lives Carers. This offers them the opportunity to be part of the family and community of the Shared Lives Carer.

The aims of the Merton Shared Lives Scheme are to:

  • provide a high-quality, person-centred service
  • offer service users the opportunity to have an ordinary family life
  • maintain and develop a service users’ independent skills with a community setting
  • offer service users a more active lifestyle where they get to contribute and enjoy activities in a supported environment
  • allow service users to have privacy in their home and life
  • enable opportunities for service users to improve their independence and the chance to do things for the first time such as learn to cook, volunteer, go on holiday etc
  • allow service users to be given choices and chances to make their own decisions
  • ensure service users’ human rights are supported and maintained
  • treat everyone with consideration and respect
  • continually monitor and improve the service

We include people using the scheme in decisions regarding their support and the running of the scheme by:

  • being involved in development and reviews of their person-centred support plan
  • completing annual questionnaires via the My Shared Life format
  • being involved in the Shared Lives assessment panel and the recruitment of Shared Lives Carers


Merton Shared Lives Scheme is affiliated to Shared Lives Plus as well as other regional schemes. The scheme is also inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Shared Lives Carers will have been trained by Merton Shared Lives Scheme and will be subject to an up to date background police check. Shared Lives Officers are in regular contact with the carer, and arrange annual assessment of the carer and the home that you would live.

Contact us

Merton Shared Lives Team
3rd Floor
Civic Centre

Telephone: 020 8545 3900

Our Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating

CQC logo
Merton Shared Lives Scheme
CQC overall rating