Sheltered accommodation and supported housing are types of accommodation for older people or people with a disability, which include relevant care and support services. The terms cover two different types of housing. The differences are explained below.
Sheltered housing
Sheltered housing is available for older people who wish to remain independent, but have help available should they need it. Sheltered accommodation is usually a flat or bungalow specially designed and built with the needs of older people or people with a disability in mind.
Sheltered housing schemes usually provide self-contained accommodation where help is on hand for support and assistance. Some schemes have communal facilities such as a lounge and laundry facilities.
We have nomination rights to the large number of schemes managed by housing associations within the borough. This accommodation is often fairly modern and has a good range of communal facilities available. Many are situated in popular areas close to bus routes and amenities. Some associations will accept customers who are 55 or over.
For how to apply, see the Applying for Housing page.
Directory of sheltered housing
Supported housing
Supported housing is usually for people with disabilities who need housing-related or care-related support. People can have their own tenancy and may live independently or three or four people may live at the same address.
Directory of supported housing
Shared Lives Scheme
Shared Lives Carers provide support within their own homes, either on a long-term basis or through short respite stays. They can also offer floating support in another property for those who may only need low-level support.
Extra care supported housing
Extra care housing offers a new way of supporting people to live independently for as long as possible. It provides the security and privacy of a home of your own, a range of facilities on the premises, combined with access to 24-hour care/support services if required. For more information, see the extra care housing page.
Directory of extra care supported housing
Other housing options
Housing options for older people (Housing Matters Directory)