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Lake Road area - proposed 20mph zone

Update - 04 December 2008 - formal consultation

Following the informal consultation carried out in August 2008 and the responses received, a report was submitted to the Street Management Advisory Committee in its meeting on 04 November 2008. The Cabinet Member has agreed on the undertaking of a formal consultation.

See also

Informal Consultation - August 2008

As per Administration's manifesto and commitment to reduce speed of traffic throughout the borough, Merton Council has successfully obtained funding from Transport for London (TfL) for the introduction of a 20mph zone in your area. The proposed Zone comprises of Lake Road; St Marys Road; Leeward Gardens; Brockham Close; Pine Grove; Church Hill; St Aubyns Avenue; Richards Road; Leopold Avenue; Helme Close and Lake Close.

A 20mph zone is a dedicated area where improving safety and maintaining the quality of life for local residents takes precedence over the general objective to ease traffic movement. Traffic speed within this zone is not to exceed 20mph and a zone must be self-enforcing. To achieve this, traffic calming features must be introduced.


For the successful introduction of a 20mph Zone, which must be self-enforcing, Merton Council is proposing the measures as shown on the enclosed plans. For the proposed zone to comply with the Regulations for the introduction of a 20mph zone, speed-reducing features are necessary. The proposals include cushions; junction entry treatments; road narrowing's, build outs and virtual build outs with alternate give way working system. Every effort has been made to minimise the number of features and the loss of on street parking. The proposals also include the necessary associated signage and road markings.

Additionally, as part of the Safer Routes to School project, TfL have agreed to fund the introduction of a speed table in Lake Road. This will involve the removal of the existing speed cushions from outside the school.

It should also be noted that although there are speed reducing features on Lake Road, for the purpose of the 20mph zone, it is necessary to modify the existing speed cushions. These modifications are detailed on the plan.

Let us know your views

The decision on whether or not to proceed with the next step, which would involve a formal consultation on the proposals, will be subject to the responses received during this informal consultation. Please note that subject to the results of the consultation and feedback, the extent of the proposed zone may change to reflect the views of residents of individual roads.

Please give us your comments/suggestions by 19 September 2008. Additionally, there will be an exhibition where you can speak to officers regarding these proposals.

We regret that due to the number of responses received during a public consultation it will not be possible to individually respond to each respondent. We welcome your comments on this proposal, which will be noted and included within the proposed measures where appropriate.

Exhibition Invite

You may wish to attend one of our public exhibitions to be held at: Wimbledon Library (Meeting Room), 35 Wimbledon Hill Road, SW19 7NB at the following times:

Date Time
Thursday 11 September 2008 10am - 7pm
Saturday 13 September 2008 10am - 4pm

What happens next

The results of the consultation along with officers’ recommendations will be reported to either the Street Management Advisory Committee on 4 November 2008 or, if appropriate, earlier to the Cabinet Member for a decision.

See also

Contact us

Traffic & Parking
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3200
Fax: 020 8545 4865


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