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Proposed traffic calming measures - High Path area

Update - 2 February 2009

Following representations received from residents regarding the proposals, the Council has decided to proceed with the implementation of proposals as shown on the plan linked in the newsletter below.

The final made TMO, which allows the proposals to be implemented and administered, will be published in the London Gazette and the local newspaper shortly. Notices will also be placed on lamp columns in the affected area.

The measures will be completed before March 2009. A letter detailing the construction programme will be sent to all residents who will be directly affected by the implementation of the works prior to it commencing. It will also be necessary to suspend some parking bays during the implementation of these works.

Prior notices will be erected on posts within the vicinity of the affected parking bays.  

Finally we would like to thank you for your participation in the consultation process and for your feedback.

See also

Update - 04 December 2008 - Committee

Following the informal consultation the was carried out in September 2008 and the responses received, a report was submitted to the Street Management Advisory Committee in its meeting on 04 November 2008.

See also

Update - 31 October 2008

The informal consultation that was carried in September 2008 on the proposal to introduce a 20mph zone within the High Path area, resulted in a response rate of 15.2%. Of those who responded, 79.5% showed support for the proposal; 13% were against with 7.5% unsure. Although the response rate can be considered as low, it is average for this type of consultation and in the absence of strong objection, it has been agreed to undertake a formal consultation on the proposed measures.

With regards to the consultation on the proposed measures to address the rat running in the area, please be advised that the results will be reported to the Cabinet Member and the Street Management Advisory Committee on 4 November 2008. You will be informed of the outcome after a decision is made.


The proposed 20mph zone within the area will be bordered by Merantun Way, Morden Road, Merton High Street and Mill Road. For this area to comply with the requirements and regulations, additional speed cushions will be installed on High Path (within the vicinity of 25 High Path); Nelson Grove Road (within the vicinity of the entrance into Merton Place and Norfolk House); Meadow Road (within the vicinity of 19 Meadow Road) and Croft Road (within the vicinity of 25 Croft Road). Please see enclosed plan. These proposed features are cushions, not road humps (as those in Abbey Road).

Additionally, to notify drivers that they are entering a 20mph zone, the appropriate signs and road markings will also be installed at key locations.

See Also

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Informal Consultation - 29 August 2008

20mph Zone

As per Administration's manifesto and commitment to reduce speed of traffic throughout the borough, Merton Council has agreed to fund the introduction of a 20mph zone within the High Path area. A 20mph zone is a dedicated area where improving safety and maintaining the quality of life for local residents takes precedence over the general objective to ease traffic movement. Traffic speed within this zone is not to exceed 20mph. To achieve this, traffic calming features in the form of road humps; speed cushions; road closures; one way systems; pedestrian refuge islands and road narrowings should be introduced. Since speed reducing features already exist in the majority of the roads in the area, minimum amount of modifications are necessary to achieve a legal and enforceable 20mph zone. The proposed High Path 20mph zone is bounded by Merantun Way on the south; Morden Road on the west; Merton High Street on the north and Mill Road on the east.


Over the years, the council has been aware of the rat-running problem in this area. Area wide traffic calming measures were introduced to address the personal injury accidents, reduce speed and deter drivers from using this area as a cut through from Merantun Way to Merton High Street and vice-versa. Although the measures have achieved some of the objectives, rat-running (particularly through Abbey Road) still continues to take place. The Cabinet Member has therefore agreed for investigations to be carried out to address this issue.

Traffic survey

A speed and volume survey that was carried out in July 2008, recorded an average of approximately 2603 vehicles/day travelling on the roads within the area. The average 85th percentile speed (85 of 100 vehicles surveyed) was recorded at 19mph.

An origin / destination survey was also conducted on 9 July 2008 between the periods of 7-10am and 3-6pm. This was to determine the number of drivers who use this area as a cut through from Merantun Way to Merton High Street. The survey recorded approximately 4466 vehicles entering the area. Of these, 3371 (76%) vehicles left the proposed zone within the specified periods above. This suggests that a high percentage of drivers are using the area as a cut through.


Merton Council is proposing two separate proposals, which complement each other. These include:

1.Proposed 20mph Zone

To introduce a 20mph zone within the area bordered by Merantun Way, Morden Road, Merton High Street and Mill Road. For this area to comply with the requirements for the introduction of a 20mph zone, additional speed cushions would have to be installed on High Path (within the vicinity of 25 High Path); Nelson Grove Road (within the vicinity of the entrance into Merton Place and Norfolk House); Meadow Road (within the vicinity of 19 Meadow Road) and Croft Road (within the vicinity of 25 Croft Road). Please see enclosed plan. These proposed features are cushions, not road humps (as those in Abbey Road)

2.Proposed Rat-running deterrents

To deter motorists using this area as a cut through from Merantun Way to Merton High Street and vice-versa, the council is proposing the following options:

Option 1

Convert Abbey Road into a ‘one way’ from its junction with Merton High Street to its junction with Croft Road.

  1. Convert Mill Road into a ‘one way’ southbound traffic flow system from its junction with Merton High Street to its junction with Croft Road. OR
  2. Convert Mill Road into a ‘one way’ southbound traffic flow system from its junction with Merton High Street to its junction with Hillborough Close.

This option will prevent traffic gaining access to the High Street. From the survey data, this would eliminate approximately 41% of vehicles from the area during the peak hours.

Option 2

Close Abbey Road to through traffic in both directions by installing a gate at its junction with Hilborough Close. The existing parking arrangements will be amended to accommodate this gate. There will be no loss of parking spaces.

Close Mill Road to through traffic in both directions by installing a gate at its junction with Croft Road. A gap will be left at the sides for cyclists. There will be a loss of two parking spaces.

This option will prevent drivers from gaining access from Merantun Way to Merton High Street and vice-versa.

Let us know your views

The decision on whether or not to proceed with the next step, which would involve a formal consultation on the proposals, will be subject to the responses received during this consultation.

The consultation period for this scheme closed on Friday 19 September 2008.

What happens next

The results of the consultation along with officers’ recommendations will be reported to either the Street Management Advisory Committee on 4 November 2008 or, if appropriate, earlier to the Cabinet Member. Once a decision is made. you would be informed accordingly via a newsletter

See also

Contact us

Traffic & Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3835

Fax: 020 8545 4865


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