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Ernle Road - Proposed 20mph limit

Update - Decision - 06 February 2009

Update - Committee report - 14 January 2009

Following the formal consultation carried out in October 2008 and the responses received, a report was presented to the Street Management Advisory Committee in its meeting on 13 January 2009

See also

with our commitment to reduce vehicular speeds through a 20mph zone or a 20mph speed limit, funding has been allocated for 2008/09 financial year to introduce 20mph zones/limits throughout the borough.

Following a series of discussions with a number of residents, resident associations and Ward councillors, the Cabinet Member has agreed the undertaking of a formal consultation on a 20mph limit for Ernle Road; Wool Road; Dunstall Road and McKay Road.

A 20mph limit or 20mph zone is a dedicated area where improving safety and maintaining the quality of life for local residents takes precedence over the general objective to ease traffic movement. Traffic speed within this area is not to exceed 20mph.

For a 20mph zone, traffic calming features in the form of road humps; speed cushions; road closures; one way systems; pedestrian refuge islands and road narrowings would have to be introduced at the appropriate distance to achieve a legal and self-enforceable zone. A 20mph limit, however, does not require any traffic calming features as part of the legal requirements except for the introduction of the appropriate signs and road markings which will be located at all the entry points into the area.


To convert this area into a 20mph zone, a series of traffic calming measures would have to be installed at a maximum distance of 100 metres as per Regulations. Due to unpopularity of such measures, it has been agreed to consider the introduction of a 20mph limit rather than a 20mph zone.

However, due to concerns regarding speed on Ernle Road, it has been agreed to consider and formally consult on the introduction of a speed table outside No 18 Ernle Road.

It has also been agreed to introduce:

  • a kerb build out at Wool Road/Ernle Road junction
  • a kerb build out at Dunstall Road/ Woodhayes Road junction
  • a raised junction entry treatment at Ernle Road/Copse Hill junction
  • a raised junction entry treatment at Ernle Road/Woodhayes Road junction

These features do not require a formal consultation.

What happens next

A Notice of the our intentions to make the Traffic Management Order (TMO) for the above measures will be published in the local newspaper, London Gazette and posted on lamp columns in the vicinity. Representations for and against must be done in writing to the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management Division, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX by no later than 14 November 2008, quoting reference ES/SGE/Ernle20MPH.

Anyone who opposes the scheme must state the grounds upon which their objection is made. We also welcome letters in support.

Please note that responses to any representation received will not be made until a final decision is made by the Cabinet Member. We are required to give weight to the nature and content of your representations and not necessarily the quantity. Your reasons are, therefore, important to us.

A copy of the draft TMO, a plan identifying the area affected by the proposal and the council’s ‘Statement of Reasons’ can be inspected at Wimbledon Library and at Merton Link, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey during the council’s working hours, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

Please note that the outcome of the consultation, along with officers’ recommendations will be reported to the Cabinet Member for a decision. Once a decision is made, you would be informed accordingly via a newsletter.

See also

Contact us

Traffic & Parking
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3200
Fax: 020 8545 4865

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