If you live in a controlled parking zone (CPZ) you can buy visitor e-permits to allow guests to park on the street when they are visiting you.

Check if you’re eligible for a parking permit

How visitor e-permits work

  • Step 1: Apply for a ‘visitor voucher qualifier’ – this may take up to one working day
  • Step 2: Buy a visitor e-permit
  • Step 3: Book (activate) a visitor e-permit
  • You can cancel (deactivate) your permit before it starts if you change your mind

These steps are explained below.

Visitor e-permits are virtual permits, which means there is no paper permit to display in your vehicle. Our enforcement officers scan licence plates and check them against permit records.


You can skip this step if you have applied online and received either of the following after 4 November 2024:

  • a visitor voucher qualifier
  • a resident permit

A visitor voucher qualifier is free.

To apply for a visitor voucher qualifier: 

  1. Log in or register for a parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser.)

    We changed our online service for buying parking permits on 5 November 2024. You will need to register for a new account the first time you use the new system.

    If setting up a new account, select ‘Resident’ as your ‘Customer type’. If you already have a non-resident account, you need to set up a new account as a resident.

  2. After logging in, click ‘See permits you can apply for’
  3. Under ‘Visitor Voucher Qualifier’, click ‘Apply’
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen

You will need to provide proof of your address to show that you live in a CPZ in Merton. You will need to upload one of the following:

  • a copy of a signed and dated formal tenancy agreement (by all relevant parties to the agreement) or lease agreement for where you live.
  • a copy of your mortgage completion letter valid within the last 12 months.
  • a copy of a solicitor’s letter confirming purchase of the property 

If you do not have the above, you will need to provide two of the following dated within the last 3 months:

  • gas, water, electricity, telephone (landline) or council tax document.
  • housing, child, pension, or income support benefit book
  • driving license (3-month date restriction doesn't apply)

What happens next

We need to check and approve your application. This may take up to one working day.

While waiting for approval, you can buy up to 10 visitor e-permits.

We’ll send you an email letting you know if your application has been approved.

  1. Log in to your parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser.)
  2. Under ‘Visitor parking’, click ‘Buy visitor permits’
  3. Under ‘Actions’ for the visitor e-permit you want to buy, click ‘Buy now’
  4. Enter the number of visitor permits you want to buy
  5. Accept the terms and conditions
  6. Click ‘Buy now’ and pay for your permits

You can now book (activate) visitor e-permit:

  1. Log in to your parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser.)
  2. Under ‘Visitor parking’, click ‘Book (activate) visitor permits’
  3. Under ‘Actions’, select ‘Book’
  4. Enter the number of permits you want to use. For hourly permits, enter the number of hours you want to book.
  5. Enter the day and time you want the parking to start from and the vehicle registration of the vehicle the permit is for.
  6. Click ‘Book’.

To see your booked visitor parking, go to ‘Visitor parking’ and click ‘View or change booked visitor parking’.

If you no longer need your visitor e-permit, you can cancel it before it starts and use it at another time.

  1. Log in to your parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser.)
  2. Under ‘Visitor parking’, click ‘View or change booked visitor permits’
  3. Under ‘Actions’ for the parking you want to cancel, select ‘Cancel visitor parking’
  4. Click ‘Cancel visitor parking’ to confirm