You can apply for a school safety zone resident or carer permit if you are:

  • a resident who has to enter a school safety zone to access their home, or
  • a carer of a resident who has to enter a school safety zone to access their home

We ask that, if possible, carers arrange their visits outside the restricted hours.

This permit applies to one specific vehicle. If you need a permit for another vehicle then you can apply again or get a day permit.

These are e-permits (virtual permits) so there is no need to display a physical permit.

How to apply

  1. Log in or register for a parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser.)

    We launched a new online service for parking permits on 5 November 2024. You will need to register for a new account the first time you use the new system.

    If setting up a new account, select ‘Resident’ as your ‘Customer type’. If you already have a non-resident account, you need to set up a new account as a resident.

  2. After logging in, click ‘See permits you can apply for’
  3. Click ‘Apply’ under ‘SSZ Resident/Carer Permit’
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen

Evidence you will need to provide

You need to prove your eligibility before you apply for this exemption. Your application may be approved by our automatic checks. If this is not possible, you will be asked to upload documents in support of your application. All documents provided must include your name and address of the property within the relevant CPZ for which you are applying for the exemption.

If you’re applying for an exemption for a carer, you will need to provide a formal letter stating that they are visiting in an official caring capacity. The letter must be from a GP, district nurse, social services, or carer organisation and state the name and address of the individual being cared for, and the full name of the carer.

In order for the application to be completed you will need to provide one of the following:

  • A copy of a signed and dated formal tenancy agreement (by all relevant parties to the agreement) or lease agreement for where you live. 
  • A copy of your mortgage completion letter valid within the last 12 months
  • A copy of a solicitor’s letter confirming purchase of the property 

If you do not have the above, you will need to provide two of the following dated within the last 3 months:

  • Gas, water, electricity, telephone (landline) or council tax document.
  • Housing, child, pension, or income support benefit book
  • Driving license (3-month date restriction doesn't apply)

In addition to the above you will also need to provide proof of vehicle ownership or usage:

  • Vehicle registration document (V5) this will need to be your name and address of the property, within the relevant CPZ for which you’re applying. 
  • A long-term hire or lease agreement (3 months minimum) from a ‘registered organisation’ that includes your name and the address of the property, within the relevant CPZ for which you’re applying. 
  • Current certificate or schedule of insurance this must show the vehicle registration number, it must also clearly state the same address the permit application is made under and you as a named driver. The vehicle must not hold a valid Resident Parking e-Permit at any other address.
  • A copy of a sales invoice from a dealership showing the vehicle registration number, it must also include your name and the address of the property, within the relevant CPZ for which you’re applying.  
  • If the vehicle you use is registered to your employer you will need to provide a business/company headed letter from your place of employment, that includes your vehicle registration and your name and the address of the property, within the relevant CPZ for which you’re applying. 


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