A school safety zone day pass permit allows a vehicle to access a school street to visit your home during the restricted hours.

To be eligible for this permit you must live on a street affected by a school safety zone.

These permits are limited to 4 per household per year, so you should only use them for emergencies when you can only access a service during the restricted hours.

It can only be used for taxis, medical reasons, tradespeople, or grocery deliveries.

This is an e-permit, so it is valid immediately and you don't need to display anything in the vehicle window.

The permit is valid for one day only. You can get one up to 30 days in advance. 

How to apply

  • Step 1: Apply for an ‘SSZ day pass qualifier’ – this may take up to one working day
  • Step 2: Apply for an ‘SSZ day pass permit’

These steps are explained below. 


You can skip this step if you already have an SSZ Day Pass Qualifier.

  1. Log in or register for a parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser.)

    We changed our online service for buying parking permits on 5 November 2024. You will need to register for a new account the first time you use the new system.

    If setting up a new account, select ‘Resident’ as your ‘Customer type’. If you already have a non-resident account, you need to set up a new account as a resident.

  2. After logging in, click ‘See permits you can apply for’
  3. Under ‘SSZ Day Pass Qualifier’, click ‘Apply’
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen 
  1. Log in to your parking permits account (This link will open in a new tab in your browser)
  2. Under ‘Your permits’, click ‘See permits you can apply for’
  3. Under ‘SSZ Day Pass Permit’, click ‘Apply’
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen