Request new containers or bags

You can request a standard wheelie bin, recycling box, bags or food waste caddy here:

Request a container or bags

Containers and bags are not available from Garth Road Household Reuse and Recycling Centre or any other location.

If you live in a large block of flats and need a replacement communal (shared) bin, your managing agent will need buy or hire these privately by contacting the commercial waste service. If you're not sure whether or not you have communal bins, fill in the form above to find out.

Replace your wheelie bin with a larger one

Our standard wheelie bins are 180 litres. Some households can get a larger, 240 litre wheelie bin. You can ask us to remove your 180 litre wheelie bin and replace it with a large one here:

Request a larger wheelie bin

Clinical waste

We offer a clinical waste collection service for residents and businesses.

Clinical waste

Returning containers

If you have too many of the same type of wheelie bin, recycling box or caddy, please contact us to ask us to remove them.

Garden waste

There is a charge for using our garden waste service.

Sign up as a new garden waste customer

Renew or change your garden waste service

What you should have

If you live in a house with outside space

You will needHow to get them
  • Indoor food waste caddy
  • Outside food waste bin
  • Recycling boxes for plastics, glass, cans and cartons
  • Blue-lidded wheelie bin for paper and card
  • Black-lidded wheelie bin for non-recyclable waste
We can deliver these free of charge if yours is missing or damaged. Use the link above to request.
Compostable food waste caddy liners

You can buy 7-litre kitchen caddy liners in Merton libraries, at £2.75 for a roll of 25 bags.

Caddy liners are also available in supermarkets and shops.

You can also use newspaper instead of compostable liners to line your caddy and dispose of the newspaper the same way as your food waste.


If you live in a flat with communal (shared) bins

You will needHow to get them
Indoor food waste caddy (if you have a communal food waste bin)We can deliver these free of charge if yours is missing or damaged. Use the link above to request one.
Indoor food waste caddy liners (if you have a communal food waste bin)

You can buy 7-litre kitchen caddy liners in Merton libraries, at £2.75 for a roll of 25 bags.

Caddy liners are also available in supermarkets and shops.

You can also use newspaper instead of compostable liners to line your caddy and dispose of the newspaper the same way as your food waste.

Communal rubbish bin

Communal recycling bin

Communal food waste bin

​We do not supply communal bins. You need to contact your managing agent or landlord to get them.
Black sacks for non-recyclable wasteYou need to buy your own black sacks from supermarkets or shops.


If you live in a flat above a shop

You will needHow to get them
Purple bags for recycling

We deliver purple bags every 6 months.

You can also order them online using the link above.

Black sacks for non-recyclable rubbishYou need to buy your own black sacks from supermarkets or shops.


If you live in a flat with no shared bins and no outside space for bins

You will needHow to get them

Blue striped bags and clear bags for recycling

Red striped bags for non-recyclable rubbish

If you run out you can reorder rubbish bags online. Please use the link above to request.


What they look like

Recycling box

Recycling box

Wheelie bin for recycling

Wheelie bin for recycling

​Wheelie bin for non-recyclable rubbish

​Wheelie bin for non-recyclable rubbish

Indoor food waste caddy

​Indoor food waste caddy

Outside food waste bin

​Outside food waste bin

​Outdoor communal food waste bin

​Outdoor communal food waste bin

Outdoor shared recycling bin

​Outdoor communal recycling bin