Clinical waste can be harmful and may need to be collected separately from the rest of your waste. We offer a clinical waste collection service for residents and businesses.

What is clinical waste?

Clinical waste includes:

  • used syringes and needles
  • dressings
  • surgical waste

For a detailed description and more guidance please visit Healthcare Waste (GOV.UK website).

How to dispose of clinical waste

The following items can be put out with your normal household rubbish as long as they are not infectious, and are bagged and sealed:

  • sanitary towels
  • nappies
  • incontinence pads

If you have a medical condition that means you generate additional non-recyclable waste, you may be eligible for a larger bin.

Syringes and needles should always be placed in "sharps" containers which you can obtain from your doctor.

Please take unwanted and out-of-date medicines to your local pharmacy. Do not put them in your normal rubbish bin.

Apply for our clinical waste collection service

If you treat yourself at home, you may be eligible for our free clinical waste collection service.

Your doctor (GP) must apply on your behalf before we can begin collections.

We don't collect waste produced by healthcare practitioners treating you in your home – they are responsible for disposing of it.

Businesses can arrange collections from our Commercial Waste service.

Apply as a GP on behalf of your patient

Book a sharps collection

Once registered, call us on 020 8274 4902 whenever you need a sharps (needles and syringes) collection.

All sharps must be placed in a sharps bin, available from your GP or pharmacist.

Report clinical waste on the street

If you find syringes, needles or other drug paraphernalia on the street please report it to us.

Report it