Better Health Merton: improve your health and wellbeing

Simple steps you can take to kick-start your health

Better Health Merton

One You Merton: help to eat well, move more, drink less and stop smoking

  • Free support from local health advisors
  • Face to face, phone or email support
  • Available 7 days a week, 7am - 7pm

One You Merton

Merton Can: tips to get active

Tips to help you get more active and sit less.

Merton Can

Stop Smoking London Helpline

A telephone helpline for Merton residents, offering one-to-one counselling support to help you quit smoking.

  • Call 0300 123 1044 and tell them you live in Merton.
  • Available Monday to Fridays from 9am to 8pm and on Saturday and Sunday between 11am and 4pm.

Stop Smoking London

Alcohol and drugs

30-day Drink Less programme

The Drink Less programme will teach you how to cut down and stick to healthier levels, allowing you to stay in control of how much and when you drink.

Help for those affected by alcohol, drugs and substance abuse

See Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse for organisations that can help.

Local health and wellbeing services directory

Family Services Directory: Health and Wellbeing