
Try 24 in 2024

Let’s make 2024 the year that we are more active, together!

See how many activities you can tick off during 2024.

There are a lot of ways for you to become more active this year in our borough of sport, including active travel, sport and fun games. 

Check out our exciting 24 in 2024 lists with ideas for adults and older adults, babies and toddlers, children and young people, and pregnant women. Get your whole family involved in trying these fun and active new year resolutions – don’t forget to use the #MertonCan and #ActivelyMerton hashtag.

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You can also view the lists of activities below.

Don't forget to share your photos on social media using the hashtag #MertonCan and #ActivelyMerton and if you think of other ways of being active, let us know!

To get in touch with us contact

  1. Take a stroll with a walking club, such as Wimbledon Walking Club or ‘Walk and Talk’ or the Ramblers
  2. Take a Walking Football session with AFC Wimbledon or Fulham FC Foundation
  3. Improve your strength and balance by taking a yoga class
  4. Try an aqua aerobics class with Age UK Merton
  5. Go wildlife spotting by taking a walk around Morden Hall Park
  6. Attend the Walking Netball session at Canons Leisure Centre
  7. Take a six week exercise pledge with Merton Moves
  8. Walk in the Rose Garden at Morden Hall Park
  9. Try the Couch to 5k app
  10. Check out watersports activities in Wimbledon Park
  11. Go swimming at a Merton Leisure Centre
  12. Download the Happy and Active brochure and get active
  13. After periods of sitting down at home, be active around the house
  14. Try Age UK Merton’s Line Dancing Class
  15. Try out a seated exercise class at Wimbledon Guild
  16. Check out NHS online chair-based pilates videos from the comfort of your home
  17. Go play tennis with friends in one of Merton’s parks
  18. Try out the Wimbledon Common or Figges Marsh parkrun
  19. Play at your nearest public table tennis table in Merton
  20. Try Tai Chi at South Mitcham Community Centre
  21. Join a gardening club through Sustainable Merton
  22. Join Attic Theatre’s dancing group
  23. Take part in an activity at one of our libraries
  24. Visit Merton’s Activity Finder. It lists hundreds of free or low-cost activities
  1. Go for a bike ride along the Wandle Trail
  2. Take an early morning swim at a Merton Leisure Centre
  3. Take part in the weekly Bootcamp at Fair Green, Mitcham
  4. Use the outdoor gym at your local park
  5. Take part in one of Merton’s three trim trails to help develop balance, strength and coordination
  6. Set a time for a 5k parkrun
  7. Join the Ramblers for a walk
  8. Join AFC Wimbledon Don Fit weekly circuit training
  9. Walk the Merton Mile at Figges Marsh with friends
  10. Download the Couch to 5k app
  11. Download the Active 10 app and track your progress
  12. Walk or cycle for one week instead of using the car
  13. Take part in walking football at AFC Wimbledon
  14. Challenge a friend to a game of squash at a Merton Leisure Centre
  15. Play basketball in one of Merton’s basketball courts
  16. Join a walk with ‘The Walk and Talk Movement’
  17. Learn new dance moves by joining a class or learning on YouTube
  18. Join a gardening club or volunteer with Sustainable Merton
  19. Find out how your local park can make you more active
  20. Explore what activities Wimbledon Guild have to offer
  21. Try The Body Coach Joe Wicks workouts
  22. Play a game of tennis in one of Merton’s parks
  23. Take part in an activity at one of our libraries
  24. Visit Merton’s Activity Finder. It lists hundreds of free or low-cost activities
  1. Learn to ride a bike with cycle training
  2. Go for a swim during family time at a Merton Leisure Centre
  3. Use a Kayak at Wimbledon Water Sports Centre
  4. Walk, cycle or scoot on the school run
  5. Try a new playground in Merton – there are over 35 to test out!
  6. Get inspired by watching AFC Wimbledon and London Broncos
  7. See how many skips you can do without stopping!
  8. Attend a Parkplay session (Canons House starts April)
  9. Fly a kite in one of the parks. Top tip: Morden Park has a gentle hill to run down!
  10. Register to get updates on fun games with NHS Healthier Families
  11. Use the outdoor gym at your local park (young people)
  12. Take part in the Daily Mile and see how far you can go this year
  13. Explore Cannizaro Park and feed the ducks (leftover peas, sweetcorn or lettuce are great. Leave the bread at home)
  14. Join Beavers, Cubs or Scouts
  15. Get your heart pumping and try an active fitness class at Wimbledon Leisure Centre & Spa
  16. Play a round of crazy golf at Wimbledon Park
  17. Play outdoor table tennis in a Merton Park
  18. Go on a family adventure walk through the woods and take notice of the seasonal changes
  19. Find your way around Merton using a map – why not follow the River Wandle?
  20. Join a Figges Marsh junior parkrun
  21. Play tennis at one of the recently refurbished courts – booking may be required
  22. Check out Change4Life’s accessible activity ideas and activities to get inspired
  23. Take part in an activity at one of our libraries
  24. Visit Merton’s Activity Finder. It lists hundreds of free or low-cost activities
  1. Explore a new playground in Merton – there are over 35 to test out!
  2. Go outside and play in your local park
  3. Teach your toddler how to play catch
  4. Visit a local playgroup or soft play areas
  5. Play Pooh sticks in the river Wandle
  6. Go outside and make friends with a friendly insect
  7. Attend the Early Learning Together Baby programme, for first time parents, at your local children’s centre
  8. Fly a kite in one of the parks. Top tip: Wimbledon Common can be windy!
  9. Spot a fish somewhere along the river Wandle
  10. Take your toddler on a nature adventure through the woods and take notice of the seasonal changes
  11. Go paddling in a splash park in the summer
  12. Clear a safe space in your house to encourage your baby to crawl
  13. When they’re ready, encourage your baby to try 30 minutes of tummy time a day
  14. Play and a game of hide and seek with your toddler
  15. Play games of pushing and pulling toys with your baby
  16. Encourage your toddler to walk with you, rather than using the buggy
  17. Let your toddler help unpack the shopping or sort the washing
  18. Sing and dance to a new song with your toddler
  19. Play in the garden
  20. Go for a swim during family time at a Merton Leisure Centre
  21. Climb the jungle gym in the park
  22. See how many hops, skips and jumps your pre-school child can do in one minute!
  23. Your favourite activity!
  24. Visit Merton’s Activity Finder. It lists hundreds of free or low-cost activities
  1. Go swimming at a Merton leisure centre
  2. Join a pregnancy class at Wimbledon Methodist Church
  3. Take a stroll with a walking club, such as Wimbledon Walking Club
  4. Practice some pelvic floor muscle training exercises
  5. Visit for pre- and postnatal exercise advice
  6. Join a gardening club through Sustainable Merton
  7. Check out NHS chair-based pilates videos from the comfort of your home
  8. Attend a yoga pregnancy class
  9. Use the exercise bike at your local gym
  10. Attend a Walk and Talk walk on a Saturday morning
  11. Improve your strength and balance by taking a tai chi class
  12. Take part in some low-impact aerobic classes
  13. Take part in aqua-aerobic classes
  14. Follow the Wimbledon Way walking route
  15. Try out low-impact exercises during each trimester
  16. Explore what activities Wimbledon Guild have to offer
  17. When taking public transport, get off a stop early and walk a little bit further
  18. Learn a new dance move by joining a class or learning on YouTube
  19. Walk the Merton Mile at Figges Marsh with friends
  20. Download the active 10 app to help get those steps in
  21. Stay active at home with online exercise classes for pregnant women
  22. Sign up for Start4Life emails to get advice and tips on exercising during pregnancy
  23. Your favourite activity!
  24. Visit Merton’s Activity Finder. It lists hundreds of free or low-cost activities


About #MertonCan

#MertonCan is a campaign to encourage everyone in Merton to be more physically active. It will promote the benefits of moving more and sitting less and will encourage every day activity, promote our great services and community assets e.g. the parks and open spaces that we have in Merton.

Led by Merton Council, #MertonCan is working with a lot of local organisations and services and would encourage anyone who would like to promote sport and physical activity to get involved in the campaign.

What #MertonCan is trying to achieve

We want everyone in Merton to understand and realise the benefits associated with leading an active lifestyle, which includes better mental health and physical health but we also want to promote the social benefits of being physically active by connecting people; through joining regular walking group, joining a sports club or playing in the park. Being physically active is also fun and can help us meet new friends and have new experiences.

We know that 75% of Merton's population are physically active for more than 30 minutes per week but that means that there are still almost 1 in 4 people in Merton that aren't and are therefore physically inactive (Active Lives Survey November 2019 - November 2020, Sport England). We also know the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted people’s physical activity levels. Being active has benefits for everyone, young or old, it's never too early or late to start getting the benefits of an active lifestyle. There is an activity out there for everyone; and #MertonCan will help you find it.

How #MertonCan will do this

#MertonCan will promote a range of opportunities to be active across in Merton, it will focus on a key theme or area and will change on a regular basis.

We also want to get local people to inspire others and celebrate what is going on in Merton by sharing any photos of yourself, your friends or family being active in Merton. Either share on social media using the #MertonCan or send them to and we will share them for you.