Mayor's Charities

Each year the Mayor of Merton nominates charities that will benefit from the Mayor's fundraising activities.

The Mayor's nominated charities for 2024-25 are:

Funds raised by the Mayor are paid to the Mayor of Merton's Charitable Trust, which makes grants to the nominated charities above, and may also make grants to a variety of local community organisations for the benefit of Merton residents.

Donate to the Mayor's Charitable Trust

The Mayor of Merton's Charitable Trust

Registered charity number 1149209

The Mayor of Merton's Charitable Trust is managed by a board of trustees, chaired this year by the Mayor of Merton.

The purpose of the trust is to collect and distribute charitable donations for the benefit of Merton's residents.

The spotlight shifts from year to year so that each year the trust can support specific organisations or themes such as young people, sport or the arts.

Funds are raised through charitable events and by donations made by individuals and companies.

You can view further information about the trust, including annual reports, on the Charity Commission website.

Gift Aid form

If you would like to make a donation and are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid it so that the trust can reclaim the tax payable using the form below.

Gift Aid declaration form