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Proposed 20mph zone - Wandle Road area

Implementation - Update 4 February 2009

Following the statutory consultation carried out in October 2008, and after careful consideration of the representations received from residents regarding the proposals, the council has recommended that instead of implementing the proposed 20mph zone with 21 traffic calming features, that a 20mph speed limit be implemented with only 5 traffic calming features, to be installed along Seddon Road and Wandle Road.

For full details see the linked newsletter below.

The civil works for the traffic calming features shall commence on 19 February 2009, for a duration of three days, weather permitting.

Finally, thank you for your participation in the consultation process and for your feedback.

See also

Statutory Consultation - Update 21 October 2008

In line with Merton’s commitment to reduce vehicular speeds throughout the borough through a 20mph zone or a 20mph speed limit, council funding has been allocated for 2008/09 financial year to convert existing traffic calmed roads within the borough into 20mph zones/limits.

Among these proposed areas is the Wandle Road Area, where a 20mph zone already exists on Montacute Road. Although traffic-calming features exist on some roads within the area, further traffic calming is required to achieve a legal and self enforcing zone. Such features which are recognised by the Department of Transport include road humps, speed cushions, road closures, one way systems, pedestrian refuge islands and road narrowings.

20mph Zone

As The Drive, Lilleshall Road and Montacute Road are the only roads within the proposed area with sufficient traffic calming features, additional traffic calming measures would have to be installed on the other roads at a maximum distance of approximately 100 metres apart to satisfy the legal requirements for the 20mph zone. The roads without any or sufficient traffic calming features are Edward Avenue, Freeman Road, Gavina Close, Milner Road, Morton Road, Muchelney Road, Pollard Road, Seddon Road, and Wandle Road.


For the proposed zone to comply with the requirements of a 20mph zone, speed reducing features are necessary.

The speed reducing features to be used for this area are speed cushions and are required in the following roads:

  • within the vicinity of numbers 6 and 18 Edward Avenue;
  • on Freeman Road (15m south of its junction with Wandle Road);
  • outside number 17 Freeman Road;
  • outside numbers 4 and 18 Gavina Close;
  • outside numbers 4, 21 and 36 Muchelney Road.
  • within the vicinity of numbers 6 and 20 Milner Road;
  • outside numbers 14 and 26 Morton Road; numbers 14 and 38 Pollard Road;
  • flats 5 and 6 Castle Court on Pollard Road;
  • outside number 57 Seddon Road;
  • outside number 140 Wandle Road.

Three "Priority Give Way” systems are also proposed (see details on enclosed drawing), which will be located within the vicinity of Nos 12, 32 and 46 Seddon Road. In order to implement the "Priority Give Way” systems new waiting restrictions are required at the following locations:

  • Seddon Road (north east side), from the boundary of properties 10 and 12 Seddon Road up to the boundary of properties of 12 and 14 Seddon Road.
  • Seddon Road (south west side), from the boundary of properties 67 and 65 Seddon Road up to the boundary of properties of 67 and 69 Seddon Road.
  • Seddon Road (north east side), from the boundary of properties 44 and 46 Seddon Road to a point 22.6m north west.

Every effort has been made to minimise the number of proposed features and the loss of on street parking. The proposal also includes the necessary associated signs and road markings.

Please refer to the plan showing the proposed 20mph zone linked below.

What happens next

A Notice of the Council’s intentions to make the above measures will be published in the local newspaper, and posted on lamp columns in the vicinity. Representations for and against must be made in writing to the Head of Street Scene and Waste Management Division, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX by no later than 21 November 2008, quoting reference ES/SGE/WANDLERD20MPH.

Anyone who opposes the scheme must state the grounds upon which their objection is made. Those who support the scheme should also write in support.

Please note that responses to any representation received will not be made until a final decision is made by the Cabinet Member. The Council is required to give weight to the nature and content of your representations and not necessarily the quantity. Your reasons are, therefore, important to us.

The outcome of the consultation, along with officer’s recommendations will be reported to either the Street Management Advisory Committee on 13 January 2008 or, if appropriate, earlier to the Cabinet Member for a decision. Once a decision is made, local residents will be informed accordingly via a newsletter.

See also

Contact us

Traffic & Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3948
Fax: 020 8545 4865


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