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Proposed 20mph Zone in Moreton Green

Update 8 February 2007 - Formal Consultation

Following the decision by the cabinet member, Merton Council is undertaking a formal consultation on the proposed 20mph Zone in Moreton Green area. Please refer to the newsletter and plans for more details (require Adobe Acrobat, version 5 or later)

Update 30 January 2007

The results of the informal and formal public consultations were reported to the Street Management Advisory Committee and the Cabinet Member on 15 January 2007 where it was agreed to undertake formal consultation. Formal consultation newsletters will be going out to residents in due course.

To view the report presented to the Street Advisory Committee, please click here. You can also view the details of the decision (requires Adobe Acrobat, version 5 or later)

Update - 20 November 2006 - Formal Consultation

Following the informal consultation carried out in September / October 2006 on the proposed 20mph Zone in Moreton Green, and after considering the outcome of that consultation, Merton Council is carrying out a formal consultation of the above scheme. Please refer to the newsletter and revised plan for more details.

Related Documents

Informal Consultation - September / October 2006

Merton Council has been successful in a bid to Transport for London (TfL) for funding for two 20mph zones within the Moreton Green area. The proposed scheme is expected to improve road safety, particularly for vulnerable road users, whilst maintaining traffic movement and improving the overall quality of the local environment.

The Council is proposing the following measures:

  • The introduction of a 20mph zone along Montacute Road, Malmesbury Road and Newminster Road.
  • Junction entry treatment (raised junctions incorporating speed tables) which would reduce speeding within the proposed zone.
  • The introduction of a series of double yellow line restrictions particularly at the junctions to improve sightlines, access and therefore safety.
  • The introduction of a one-way system and road narrowing along:-
    1. Malmesbury Road (Bishopsford Road to Middleton Road),
    2. Newminster Road (Malmesbury Road to Bishopsford Road),
    3. Montacute Road (Middleton Road to Lilleshall Road).

The proposed one way system will be effective in maintaining flow of traffic / access particularly during the school dropping off/picking up periods but may increase the speed of traffic and therefore it is essential to consider the introduction of either option 1 or option 2 as detailed below.

The proposed 20 mph zone must be self enforcing and that requires speed reducing features. The introduction of either option 1  or option 2  must therefore be considered. Both options are designed to reduce the speed of traffic.

Option 1

This involves the introduction of a speed cushion (vehicles can straddle this feature); road narrowing by means of a build out and double yellow lines to maintain flow of traffic. This option would involve the loss of some parking.

Option 2

This involves the introduction of a speed hump which is more effective than a speed cushion and would not involve the loss of parking. However, if vehicles travel at speed over speed humps there may be noise associated with this option.

The council believes that these measures would provide a safer environment for all road users.

How to make your views count

Before proceeding further, the Council would like your views on the above proposals.

The decision on the implementation of the scheme will be subject to the responses received during this consultation. Please be sure to complete your prepaid reply card and return it together with any further comments and suggestions you may have by 20 October 2006.

Please Note: In view of the large number of responses received during a public consultation, it will not be possible to reply to each individual respondent.

What happens next

The result of the consultation along with officers' recommendations will be reported to either the Street Management Advisory Committee on the 15 January 2007 or, if appropriate, earlier to the Cabinet Member for Environment & Traffic Management for a decision. Once a decision is made you will be informed accordingly via a newsletter.

Exhibition Invite

There will be an exhibition where detailed plans of the proposals will be displayed and you will have the opportunity to speak to the project officer.

Venue: Council Caravan, Moreton Green (Bounded by Middleton Road and Malmesbury Road)

Date & Time: Tuesday 3 October 2006    11am to 7.30pm

Wednesday 4 October 2006     11am to 7.30pm

Saturday 7 October 2006    11am to 4pm

We would very much like to get your feedback on these proposals. If you have any problems attending the exhibition, please contact Paul Tugwell on the telephone number 020 8545 3948.

Related Documents

(requires Adobe Acrobat, version 5 or later)

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