
As part of the London healthy streets and road safety initiatives, we have been successful in our 2022/23 financial year bid for funding from TfL, for the feasibility and development of proposed improvements along the entire length of Streatham Road up to the borough boundary. Due to the extent of the proposed measures, this project will be progressed in phases depending on funding being available over the next couple of years.

The overall scheme generally include: new cycle infrastructure such as segregated stepped cycle tracks with parking assigned to the footway in most cases; mandatory and advisory cycle lanes; upgraded pedestrian crossings; new Zebra crossings; new or amended parking restrictions; raised junction entry treatments and bus stop upgrades.

Consultation, October-November 2023

Feedback on the whole project from Sandy Lane to the borough boundary is being sought. We welcome your comments, which will be considered, and if appropriate included within the final design. Once the proposed measures are finalised, a statutory consultation will be carried out.

In addition to the feedback on the whole project, a statutory consultation for phase 1 is also being carried out at the same time, inviting formal representations to this section of the project, between Graham Road and Sandy lane, which has funding approved for implementation this financial year. Subject to this statutory consultation outcome and final approval by the Cabinet Member for Transport.


The deadline for your feedback to the overall scheme is 12 November 2023.

The deadline for representations to the statutory consultation for phase 1 only, is 27 October 2023

Report and decision, November 2023

All representations were reported to the Cabinet Member for a final decision. After careful consideration, they have decided to implement the proposed phase 1 measures and proceed with the required statutory consultation on the phase 2 measures.


The works will be carried out in multiple stages commencing 27 August until 20 December 2024, weather permitting. Every effort will be made to reduce this time where possible. Notice boards will be placed on street in advance of the works, advising all road users of these specific dates. There will be temporary road closures in some of the side roads with diversions for the duration of the works. Some evening closures to Streatham Rd for the final carriageway re-surfacing will also apply. Access to properties will be maintained at all times.

Most of the construction work will take place between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Works on the highway will be carried out by FM Conway Ltd.