Speed limits are introduced to ensure greater road safety.

Before deciding to lower, raise or extend an existing speed limit we must consider all the relevant factors such as:

  • expected accident savings
  • improvement to the environment
  • improvement in amenities​
  • reduction in public anxiety
  • improved facilities for vulnerable road users
  • delays to traffic
  • costs of implementation
  • costs of engineering measures and their maintenance
  • costs of enforcement, especially where the speed limit is regarded as unreasonable by drivers

​​If it is considered that a change in the speed limit is warranted then a new Speed Limit Order has to be made. This involves a statutory legal process that takes approximately 9 months. If a road has street lighting on it with no speed limit repeater signs, the road is already subject to a 30mph limit, and we are not permitted to place 30mph repeater signs on it.

Contact us

Traffic and Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3201
Fax: 020 8545 4865

Email: trafficandhighways@merton.gov.uk