Proposal February 2021

​To facilitate a safe crossing, we are proposing a zebra crossing on a speed table outside Park Academy on Dorset Road. The raised zebra crossing will reduce the speed of approaching traffic and provide a quicker, safer and step-free crossing point for pedestrians. Reducing the carriageway width will also improve pedestrian accessibility by minimizing the crossing distance and improve visibility. 

The work will consist of the following measures.

  • Installation of raised zebra crossing outside Park Academy
  • The removal of the existing speed cushions outside no. 153 Dorset Road.
  • The removal of 12.5m of permit holder parking bays outside the school to facilitate the crossing.
  • The introduction of double yellow lines at the junction of Daybrook Road and at the vehicular entrance to Park Academy.
  • Kerb buildout between No 151 Dorset Rd and Daybrook Rd. This will not affect crossovers.

All of the proposed measures (except the buildout) require a statutory consultation. 

Residents letter including map of proposed zebra crossing

What happens next 

A Notice of the Council’s proposals for the zebra crossing and the associated measures will be published in a local newspaper Wimbledon and Wandsworth Times and the London Gazette; Notices will also be posted on lamp columns in the vicinity.

Representations for and against the proposals described must be put in writing by no later than 5 March 2021, quoting reference Dorset Rd ZEBRA.


or write to

E&R Department
Traffic & Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road
SM4 5DX 

Objections must relate only to the elements of the scheme that are subject to this statutory consultation. All representations along with Officers’ comments and recommendations will be presented in a report to the Cabinet Member for Housing, Regeneration and the Climate Emergency. Please note that responses to any representations received will not be made until the Cabinet Member makes a final decision. We are required to give weight to the nature and content of your representation and not necessarily the quantity. Your reasons are, therefore, important to us.