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Apply for or renew a scaffold licence

Before applying, please check that the location you are applying for falls under the responsibility of Merton Council. For all Red Route requests please contact Transport for London.

If you are the owner of ​a property and require a scaffold or hoarding at your address, please ask your scaffold company or contractor who holds a public liability insurance to apply for a licence.

This form must be completed by the contractor or scaffold company:

Apply for a licence for a scaffold up to 10m in length

For scaffolding or hoarding over 10m in length, please email Network.Co-ordination@merton.gov.uk to apply for a licence.

Report a problem with a scaffold or hoarding

If a scaffold or hoarding appears to be dangerous or is causing obstruction, please report this to us.

Report an obstruction on a road or pavement

Our highways safety inspectors will investigate and try to resolve any complaint we receive. The name of any resident or business that makes a complaint will not be disclosed.

Requirements for a scaffold and hoarding licence

If you require scaffolding or hoarding on the public highway, please observe the following:

  • Scaffold and hoarding licences are only issued to contractors or scaffold companies who have a minimum of £5,000,000 public liability insurance
  • The scaffold or hoarding must be licensed by us before it is put up
  • The scaffold or hoarding must be clearly marked with the contractor's or scaffold company's name and telephone number
  • The scaffold must be lit overnight
  • The scaffold legs must be covered in hazard tapes
  • A convenient covered platform and handrail may be required to serve as a pavement for pedestrians where the full width of the pavement is used by the scaffold or hoarding.
  • Adequate space must be left for pedestrians with pushchairs and wheelchair users
  • The structure must be made safe at all times
  • No waste material, including concrete, mortar, grout, plaster, fats, oils and chemicals shall be washed down on the highway or disposed of into the highway drainage system
  • Other licence conditions must also be met (variable upon each situation established after site inspection)
  • No waste material, including concrete, mortar, grout, plaster, fats, oils and chemicals shall be washed down on the highway or disposed of into the highway drainage system

You can get more information on health and safety issues relating to scaffolds from Health and Safety Executive.

We aim to:

  • permit scaffolding or hoarding to be placed on the highway where possible
  • minimise the risk to other highway users
  • minimise obstruction to pedestrians and traffic
  • minimise the environmental impact of the use of the scaffold
  • minimise the risk of damage to the pavement
  • recover the cost of any damage caused

Site meetings and inspections

Prior to a licence being approved a site meeting is arranged by the highways officer with the contractor or scaffold company. The site is inspected for any prior damage and any additional conditions are agreed onsite. The site is also inspected throughout the licence period for safety and compliance with licence conditions.

A final site inspection is carried out at the end of the licence period, once the scaffolding or hoarding has been removed, to establish if there is any damage to the highway.

Scaffolding or hoarding must not be erected before inspection has taken place and before the licence has been issued.

Restricted locations for scaffold projections

There may be restrictions on scaffolds and hoardings sited at locations where the footpath is too narrow. In the event of this the council aims to accommodate the scaffold by adjusting the dimensions and measurements of the projection on the footway, whilst taking into account the safety of all highway users. Please also be advised there are also restrictions on certain roads during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships.

If you need to erect a scaffold or hoarding on red route roads you will need to consider the parking and loading restrictions at the location, for more information please contact Transport for London.

Type of licence​Licence fee
Residential Scaffold licence 0-10 linear metres£336 per month
Development -Scaffold 0-20 linear metres£624 per month
Development- Scaffold  20+ linear metres£720 per month

Unlicensed scaffolds, hoardings or projections

If someone reports an unlicensed structure on the footway an officer will carry out a site inspection and take photographs and follow up with further action. The scaffold company or contractor responsible will be asked to dismantle the structure and wait for a licence application to be submitted and approved before they can re-erect it according to licence conditions. If they fail to remove the illegal structure, enforcement action will proceed, and any costs incurred will be recharged to the scaffold company. The recovery of our costs is not dependent upon securing a conviction through the courts.