Each year we inspect Merton's roads and pavements to develop a four-year rolling investment plan.
Merton Highways Indicative 4-Year Maintenance Programme 2024-28
We will send local residents and businesses a newsletter before works start.
Planned maintenance for future years is subject to change due to funding and where winter weather conditions may result in streets lower down in the programme becoming a greater priority.
Planned carriageway and footway programme of works 2024 - 2025
In addition to the annual planned maintenance programme, you can also report street defects online: Report a road or pavement problem.
Network North – Additional highway maintenance funding for London made possible by reallocated HS2 funding
In October 2023, the government announced that an additional £8.3 billion of funding would be allocation to authorities across the country for highways maintenance (local road resurfacing and wider maintenance on the highway network) from 2023/24 to 2033/34.
As part of this additional funding which has been made possible by reallocating HS2 funding, it was confirmed that London would receive a total of £235 million over the eleven-year period with the first £7.5 million paid to London authorities in 2023/24.
It has been confirmed that the additional funding that the London Borough of Merton would receive is £186k for 2023/24 and £186k for 2024/25. Please see government funding allocation across the country.
In relation to London authorities, funding was divided between Transport for London (TfL), City of London and the other 32 London boroughs and was distributed across London based on road lengths of each borough’s highway network.
The funding allocation that the London Borough of Merton has received is in addition to the council already agreed investment for highway maintenance and is to complement and not displace current levels of funding.
The London Borough of Merton have produced a plan summarising the proposed highway maintenance works that will be undertaken by the March 2025 using the additional funding allocated for 2023/24 and 2024/25.
The council continues to look at ways to achieve carbon savings and where applicable will be looking at treatments such as, a single layer surface course at greater depth instead of conventional processes of laying a separate binder and surface course. Logistically, this will reduce traffic movement bringing material to and from site and reducing the duration of the proposed works.
To protect any new planned/major carriageway resurfacing and footway reconstruction works, the London Borough of Merton issues a Section 58 notice under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 which allows local authorities to protect the road from any planned street works activities (via utilities). Depending on the nature of works undertaken, restrictions can be in place between 1 and 3 years. However, a Section 58 restriction does not prevent emergency works or new customer connections taking place.