We are seeking to introduce a Lane Rental Scheme on a proportion of its road network in accordance with the Street Works (Charges for Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2012 (the Lane Rental Regulations) made under Section 74A.

In accordance with the ‘Lane Rental Schemes: Guidance for English Highway Authorities’ issued by the Department for Transport on the 17 March 2024, we are entering a period of public consultation. The consultation period will be open from 24 January 2025 to 7 March 2025.

View the consultation documents linked below:

  1. Merton Lane Rental Scheme Document
  2. Merton Lane Rental Cost Benefit Analysis
  3. Merton Lane Rental Location Map
  4. Merton Lane Rental List of Locations
  5. The London Borough of Merton Lane Rental Scheme Consultation

We have been working in conjunction with Transport for London and in consultation with representatives of other London Boroughs, London Councils, the Department for Transport and utility companies.

The proposed scheme network has been determined in accordance with the Pan-London borough data analytical approach, which for consistency purposes retains the basis of the algorithm used to calculate TfL’s lane rental locations and charge band distribution.

We seek to introduce a lane rental scheme to achieve better control of roadworks and street works which take place on its network, with a core objective of reducing disruption to the most sensitive parts of the network, at the most sensitive times.

The proposal to operate a lane rental scheme supports the London Mayor’s election manifesto pledge to expand lane rental across London.

To respond to this consultation, please email: lanerentalconsultation@merton.gov.uk

Any party wishing to make comment or object to the proposals should submit their comments in writing before the end of Friday 28 February 2025. Comments may be sent via the postal address seen below marked for the attention of the ‘Network Coordination Team’, or by emailing the above email address.

Merton Council
Civic Centre
London Road

At the end of the consultation period, we will review all comments so that we can make a final decision on what form the proposed lane rental scheme should take. A report will be published to respond to questions raised throughout the period of consultation. We will need to submit an application to the Department for Transport to implement a lane rental scheme and, depending on the outcomes of this consultation, we intend to do so in by April 2025.