
Teacher parking permits are available to enable teachers to park in permit holder bays (except residents-only bays) and shared-use bays in the zone where the school is situated.


  1. All permit applications must be made by the headteacher rather than individual teachers.
  2. Permits will be issued only to those schools with an up to date School Travel Plan or Green Travel plan.
  3. Permits are only valid in the bays shown in the maps below.
  4. Permits will only be issued after the spare parking capacity has been assessed.
  5. The number of school permits to be issued would be strictly limited if the uptake of residents' permits is in excess of 75%; spare capacity is less than 25% and in cases where the numbers of permits outweigh the number of available spaces.
  6. We reserve the right to remove or reduce the number of permits pending on changes on parking capacity, any fraudulent act or abuse.

Cost from 5 November 2024

VehicleCost for full school year
Petrol vehicle£220
Diesel vehicle£370
Petrol vehicle (CO2 emission that emits 226g/km or more)£370
Fully electric vehicle £50

How to apply

To apply please contact

Parking maps

If you use a teacher permit in a bay that is not marked on the relevant map you may receive a penalty charge notice (PCN).

Contact us

Contact Parking Services