On this page
Penalty Charges Rates are increasing from 7 April 2025.
Notice of changes to penalty charges and additional fees.
The information on this page is to help you understand your penalty charge notice (PCN).
Contravention codes and costs
Frequently asked questions
Q: Are the civil enforcement officers (CEOs) given targets and bonuses for achieving them?
A: No, no targets are given and no bonuses are paid.
Q: Does Merton Council use contractors to enforce Parking regulations?
A: No. All civil enforcement officers are employed directly by the council and receive an annual salary.
Q: If I am not satisfied with the outcome of my appeal against a PCN, can I take this matter to court?
A: Since the decriminalisation of parking enforcement from the police in the early 1990s the right to go to court no longer exists. The Traffic Management Act 2004 does give the motorist a right of appeal to the Appeals Service where an independent adjudicator will hear the case and whose decision is binding on both parties.
Q: If I pay a PCN during the discount period, can I carry on making representations through the different stages of the appeal process?
A: If you pay the PCN at any stage, the case is closed with no further right of appeal. If you wish to appeal you should not pay. If your appeal is refused at the initial stage, the discount is extended for a further 14 days.
Q: Can I pay my PCN by instalments?
A: No, we do not offer instalment arrangements. Please see our PCN instalment policy
Q: If I did not own the vehicle at the time of the offence, why haven't you sent the charge to the person who now owns the vehicle?
A: This is a common stated representation; it is the responsibility of the motorist to inform the DVLA when disposing of a vehicle, who they are disposing the vehicle to. When we issue our documents it can only be to the registered keeper (with DVLA) regardless of who was in charge of the vehicle at the time the PCN was issued or who has sent representation in.
You must inform the DVLA who the new keeper of the vehicle is on the forms provided. Please keep a copy for your records. Failure to notify the DVLA means that you are legally liable for all parking contraventions