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Cabinet report and decision

Our Cabinet approved the revised proposals on 19 February 2024.

Car park (off-street) parking charges

Please read these documents for details of our proposed changes to off-street parking charges.

The following car parks are affected:

To send us a comment (representation) or objection to the proposed traffic management order, please email parkingconsultation2024@merton.gov.uk or write to Parking Services, London Borough of Merton, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX. Please quote the reference "Parking Consultation 2024". The closing date is 3 May 2024.

On-street parking charges

Please read these documents for details of our proposed changes to on-street parking charges.

To send us a comment (representation) or objection to the proposed traffic management order, please email parkingconsultation2024@merton.gov.uk or write to Parking Services, London Borough of Merton, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX. Please quote the reference "Parking Consultation 2024 (On-Street)". The closing date is 28 June 2024.