Telecare services help vulnerable people to live safely, securely and independently in their own homes.  

Our provider, Mascot, uses your telephone line to alert people if you have had an accident or a problem in your home. They are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Mascot Telecare website

The service can help you if you have: 

  • a physical disability 
  • a learning disability 
  • sensory impairments
  • a long-term condition, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes 

Features include: 

  • a personal alarm system which can be worn and connects you to help when you need it, 24 hours a day 
  • temperature extremes sensors 
  • bed or chair occupancy sensors
  • fall detectors 
  • property exit sensors 
  • smoke detectors 
  • maintenance people 

Mascot response officers can become key holders to your home so can assist you directly in an emergency or the team can arrange help from a family member, friend, your GP or emergency services remotely. 

Aims of the service

It is part of a commitment to helping you continue to lead an independent life and remain in your own home for as long as possible. It can also reassure family and friends. 

Mascot also prevents unnecessary admissions to hospital and residential care. 

The service can also be used to help protect against: 

  • harassment
  • domestic violence 
  • bogus callers 


There are various price plans and if you are on benefits, such as pension credit, there are lower rates available. 

Price Plans – Mascot Telecare

How to apply

To find out more and to get an assessment, call Mascot. 

Contact Mascot Telecare