A compulsory purchase order (CPO) is a legal tool which may be used by some organisations, including councils, to compulsorily acquire land or property in order to support building development, regeneration and infrastructure projects that are in the public interest.

Government has produced CPO guidance to explain why and how compulsory purchase orders are made.

Transformation of Eastfields, High Path and Ravensbury 2022

In order to transform the Eastfields, High Path and Ravensbury areas of Merton (the Scheme), we have made compulsory purchase orders in respect of the next phases of the Merton Estates Regeneration Programme, namely Eastfields Phase 1, High Path Phases 2 and 3 and Ravensbury Phases 2 to 4 (the 2022 CPOs). Copies of the relevant documents as well as plans and drawings for the Scheme are provided below.

The Scheme, which is being promoted by the Council in collaboration with the Clarion Housing Association (Clarion), shall overall include a £1bn investment in the Eastfields, High Path and Ravensbury areas of Merton. The redevelopment will create up to 3,272 homes, replacing 1,175 homes and building 2,097 new ones. It shall deliver:

  • High quality homes designed by award-winning architects;
  • New parks, public squares, community spaces, recreational facilities and play spaces; and
  • New retail, office, leisure spaces, creating new jobs. 

The regeneration will also deliver a range of environmental improvements, including extensive tree planting, district heat networks, renewable technologies and sustainable urban drainage. 

The 2022 CPO includes powers to acquire all third party land within the site boundary which Clarion does not currently own and/or control. The CPO also includes the acquisition of third party rights over the land withing the site boundary and new rights for the purpose of facilitating the development, including rights over land surrounding the site boundary to allow for crane oversailing.


Clarion has been seeking to secure the land required through negotiations with all affected parties and has been in correspondence with these parties for a number of years. These negotiations shall continue in respect of any interests not current acquired, notwithstanding that we have made the 2022 CPOs. If terms however, cannot be agreed with all parties within a reasonable timescale, the Council will seek to implement the 2022 CPOs, if confirmed, to ensure that the Scheme is delivered in a timely manner.

The Council and Clarion will continue to negotiate and communicate with the affected parties throughout the compulsory purchase process.

For any queries, please contact Simon Hogue at mertoncpo@merton.gov.uk

Copies of the 2022 CPOs can be viewed between 9am and 5 pm Monday to Friday except for any public holiday at the following address:

Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Any objection to any of the 2022 CPOs had to be made by 31 August 2022 (extended from 15 July 2022) in writing to The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, National Planning Casework Unit, 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham B2 4BH* or sent by email to: pcu@levellingup.gov.uk and should state the title of the relevant Order, the grounds of objection and the objector's address and interests in the land. 

Public local inquiry into the 2022 CPOs – February 2024

The Secretary of State has appointed Stephen Wilkinson BA (Hons) BPl Dip LA MBA MRTPI  to hold a public local inquiry into the 2022 CPOs. The inquiry was held at Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX from Tuesday 20 February 2024 at 10am.

Confirmation of the 2022 CPOs

Following the public inquiry, the Secretary of State issued his decision approving the CPOs with modifications on 25 March 2024. The Decision, modified Orders and Notices of Confirmation can be downloaded below.   

Core documents for February 2024 inquiry

Eastfields CPO documents

High Path CPO documents

Ravensbury CPO documents

Documents marked * may not be accessible to some people with disabilities, so we have also provided accessible versions.

Further information on the scheme

Planning applications

For all information including drawings relating to the Reserved Matters planning decisions for each estate, please see Merton’s Planning Explorer, inserting the outline planning application reference number for the relevant estate as listed above into the “proposal key word” search.

Other documents