
We can provide clear and professional advice to individuals or businesses who are considering applying for planning permission.

If you are planning a development, you can use our Pre-application advice service.

This service is available for:

  • householder developments
  • any development involving new floorspace or a change of use of floorspace
  • any application that needs a certificate of lawful development.

What the service provides

The pre-application process is not compulsory, but we strongly encourage early dialogue and involvement with planning officers at Merton. As part of the pre-application service, we will seek to resolve planning related matters at this pre-application stage. This will help improve the efficiency and success of any formal application being submitted following the pre-application process.

The pre-application service provides you with a dedicated planning officer who will give you:

  • Summary of advice (not available for Category D developments)
  • a Teams or Zoom meeting with a planning officer where applicable
  • information on relevant policies and planning requirements
  • the estimated timescale to process your application
  • the information you need to provide on your planning application
  • Section 106 matters including likely heads of terms
  • best practice consultation methods.
  • help resolve planning issues at the pre-application stage.
  • Case Officer can be requested (subject to prior agreement and additional charges apply, see hourly rates below)

Attendance at meetings or site visits by principal planning officers, area managers or head of development management in addition to the allocated case officer can be requested (subject to prior agreement and additional charges apply, see hourly rates below)

As many formal planning applications will require public consultation, consultation with external consultees and sometimes decisions by the council's planning committee, this pre-application service cannot provide any guarantee that a proposed development will receive planning permission. However, the pre-application service is setup to help make the planning process more efficient for applicants with a view of securing successful permissions within a reasonable timeframe.

Any formal application submitted to us without formal pre-application involvement will be decided on the information as submitted at the time of submission, in accordance with Merton’s and the London Plan adopted Planning Policies.

How to submit

You can submit the form (below) and documents via email to

An administration officer will then email you with a payment link.

Once the application and fee are received the following procedure will apply:

  • Forms passed to team leader who will identify the specialist advice or information required and whether a meeting is necessary. Applicant is advised within 5 working days.
  • Team leader allocates to appropriate officer.
  • All documents are recorded to monitor for purposes including audit and training.
  • Case officer will arrange meeting date and availability of officers and send confirmation email to applicants.
  • After the meeting the officer will prepare a bullet point summary (based on scheme as submitted or following amended plans as part of the pre-application process), which will be cleared by at least Principal Planner level.

Make sure you have finalised your plans before submitting your proposal as any changes or revisions made after submission and/or meeting with the Officer will be considered as a new submission/amendment and additional fees will be applicable.

Given other workload commitments and the complexity of the advice required, at times the above targets may be subject to some delays.

See our rates for our pre-application service below.

To find out which category your development is in please see below.

Categories  Scale of Development  
A+Residential schemes comprising 101+ units / commercial > 10,000 sqm in floorspace
AResidential schemes comprising 41-100 units / commercial 5,000 – 9,999 sqm in floorspace
B+Residential schemes comprising 25-40 units / commercial > 2,000,4,999 sqm in floorspace
BResidential schemes comprising 10-24 units / commercial > 1,000-1,999 sqm in floorspace
C+Residential schemes comprising 5-9 units / commercial > 500 – 999 sqm in floorspace
CResidential schemes comprising 1-4 units / commercial > 100 – 499 sqm in floorspace
Concept MeetingOne 1 hour meeting to discuss basic principles and planning procedures for a proposed development (applicable to schemes not exceeding 5 residential units or 1,000 sqm floorspace)

Minor works

  • Change of use of buildings or land between 1 – 99 sqm
  • Provision of 1 – 99sqm of floorspace
  • Provision of residential annexes
  • Certificates of Lawful Development – for ancillary residential annexes, non-householder related applications such as confirmation of existing lawful use
DHouseholder developments including Lawful development certificate for householder extensions

Category A+

Procedure and fees for category A+ - large-scale, complex, major development

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses
  • photographs
  • an outline of your proposal (on plans scale 1:200/1:100)
  • sketch drawings showing the height and scale of your proposed development in relation to its surroundings.

For larger sites you may need to provide other information including potentially EIA related information or a draft environmental statement.

Category 'A+' proposals – large-scale, complex, major development

  • Provision of 101 or more residential dwellings (including conversion)
  • Provision of 10,000m² or more of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land over 10,000m²
  • Mixed-use developments where the combined floor space is over 10,000m²
  • Development involving a site of 1ha and over

Charge: Bespoke

Please contact Planning Department for a bespoke pre-application fee charge.

For developments with multiple or complex issues you may need to have several meetings with different specialist officers. Consequently there may be a change to your fee. Any change to your fee will be agreed before submission and will be based on the table of Officers’ hourly rates below.

Category A

Procedure and fees for Category 'A' proposals – large-scale, major development

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses
  • photographs
  • an outline of your proposal (on plans scale 1:200/1:100)
  • sketch drawings showing the height and scale of your proposed development in relation to its surroundings.

Category 'A' proposals – large-scale, major development

  • Provision of 41-100 residential dwellings (including conversion)
  • Provision of between 5,000 – 9,999 m² of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land between 5,000 – 9,999 m²
  • Mixed-use developments where the combined floor space is between 5,000 – 9,999 m²

Charges: £12,000 (including a 2 hour meeting)

Further £5,000 for a full written advice

Further £5,000 for each additional meeting only

For developments with multiple or complex issues you may need to have several meetings with different specialist officers. Consequently there may be a change to your fee. Any change to your fee will be agreed before submission and will be based on the table of Officers’ hourly rates below.

Procedure and fees for category B+ - major development

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses
  • photographs
  • an outline of your proposal (on plans scale 1:200/1:100)
  • sketch drawings showing the height and scale of your proposed development in relation to its surroundings.

Category B+

Category 'B+' proposals – major development

  • Provision of 25-40 residential dwellings (including conversion)
  • Provision of between 2,000 – 4,999m² of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land between 2,000 – 4,999m²
  • Mixed use developments where the combined floor space is between 2,000 – 4,999m²

Charge: £10,000 (including a 2 hour meeting)

Further £3,000 for a full written advice

Further £4,000 for each additional meeting only

Procedure and fees for category B – small major development

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses
  • photographs
  • an outline of your proposal (on plans scale 1:200/1:100)
  • sketch drawings showing the height and scale of your proposed development in relation to its surroundings.

Category B

Category 'B' proposals – small major development

  • Provision of 10-24 residential dwellings (including conversion)
  • Provision of between 1,000 – 1,999m² of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land between 1,000 – 1,999m²
  • Mixed use developments where the combined floor space is between 1,000 – 1,999m²
  • Composite proposals for telecommunication masts/equipment – 10 or more sites

Charge: £5,000 (including a 2 hour meeting)

Further £1,500 for a full written advice

Further £3,000 for each additional meeting only

Procedure and fees for category C+ – Large minor development

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses
  • photographs
  • an outline of your proposal (on plans scale 1:200/1:100)
  • sketch drawings showing the height and scale of your proposed development in relation to its surroundings.

Category C+

Category 'C+' proposals – Large minor development

  • Provision of 5 - 9 residential dwellings (including conversion)
  • Provision of between 500m² - 999m² of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land between 500m² -999m²

Charge: £2,500 (including a 1 hour meeting)

Further £1,000 for a full written advice

Further £2,000 for each additional meeting only

Procedure and fees for category C – Minor development

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses
  • photographs
  • an outline of your proposal (on plans scale 1:200/1:100)
  • sketch drawings showing the height and scale of your proposed development in relation to its surroundings.

Category C

Category 'C' proposals – Minor development

  • Provision of 1 - 4 residential dwellings (including conversion)
  • Provision of between 100m² - 499m² of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land between 100m² - 499m²
  • Individual proposals for telecommunications equipment and masts not being confirmation of permitted development
  • Advertisement applications
  • Complex listed building applications

Charge: £1,800 (including a 1 hour meeting)

Further £1,000 for a full written advice

Further £1,000 for each additional meeting only

If there are more than one set of amended plans submitted during the Pre-application process, the same charging would be applicable each time.

For developments with multiple or complex issues you may need to have several meetings with different specialist officers. Consequently, there may be a change to your fee. Any change to your fee will be agreed before submission and will be based on the table of Officers’ hourly rates below.

Procedure and fees for category Concept Meeting

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses

Charge: £1,000 (for a 1-hour meeting only)

Note: This Category is limited to schemes not exceeding 5 residential units or 1,000 sqm floorspace and does not include any summary written response

Category Concept Meeting

Procedure and fees for category Concept Meeting

Request pre-application advice by submitting a Pre-Application Advice Form

You must send us the following for your application to be accepted:

  • site location plan (scale 1:1250)
  • description/schedule of uses

Charge: £1,000 (for a 1-hour meeting only)

Category D +

Category 'D+' proposals – Large minor development

Email us at to book an appointment by providing the completed Pre-Application Advice Form

In your email:

  • Try to attach items that would help the officer understand more about your site and proposal (for example photos, site map or sketches). You can also submit a completed pre-application advice form.
  • Tell us the preferred date and time for your appointment. We will try to meet this depending on availability. Appointments are available from Monday to Friday between 9am and 11am and are up to one hour long.
  • A bullet point summary of the meeting will be provided by the case officer within ten working days of the meeting.

We try to make sure that your meeting is booked within ten working days of your request.

Specialist Officer input (i.e. Conservation Officer, Tree and Landscape Officer, Highway Authority, Transport Planning, Urban Design Officer etc) - Additional £180.

Category 'D+' proposals – small-scale developments and ancillary residential annexes

  • Provision of 1m² - 99m² of floor space
  • Change of use of buildings or land between 1m² - 99m²
  • Provision of any outbuilding within a residential curtilage to be used for ancillary habitable accommodation as a residential annexe
  • Certificates of Lawful Development – for ancillary residential annexes, non-householder related applications such as confirmation of existing lawful use

Charge: £500 (including a 1-hour meeting)

Further £200 for a full written advice

Further £250 for each additional meeting only

Category D

Procedure and fees for category D - householder development and lawful development certificates

You will receive verbal advice only under this category. Emails us at to book an appointment by providing the completed Pre-Application Advice Form

In your email:

  • Try to attach items that would help the officer understand more about your site and proposal (for example photos, site map or sketches). You can also submit a completed pre-application advice form.
  • Tell us the preferred date and time for your appointment. We will try to meet this depending on availability. Appointments are available from Monday to Friday between 9am and 11am and are 15 minutes long with slots at 20-minute intervals.

We try to make sure that your meeting is booked within three days of your request.

Conservation Officer input – Additional £180

Category 'D' proposals – householder development and lawful development certificates

  • Provision of 1m² - 99m² of floor space
  • Householder applications (small extensions/alterations)
  • Certificates of Lawful development - for householder related applications

Charge: £250 (including a 15 minutes meeting only)

Further £200 for each additional 15 minutes meeting only


Targets are not guaranteed and may be subject to delay depending on other workload and the complexity of advice required.

You will be contacted if targets will not be achieved.

All categories

Within 5 working days of receipt of your request:

  • We will send you a letter to confirm receipt, the name of the case officer assigned to you and requests for additional information we might need.
  • We will allocate an appropriate planning officer. All requests are overseen by at least Principal Planner level
  • All documents are recorded to monitor for purposes including audit and training.
  • After the meeting the officer will prepare a bullet point summary advice (based on scheme as submitted) which will be cleared by at least Principal Planner level.

Category A+, A, B+, B, C+ and C developments

Within 15 working days of the receipt of your request:

  • The case officer will assess the proposal in relation to relevant policies and planning requirements and seek any specialist advice received.
  • The case officer will then contact you to arrange a convenient meeting date where applicable.
  • Where specialist advice is needed, a minimum of 20 working days following the receipt of your request will be needed before a meeting is held.

Within 10 working days of your meeting with a case officer:

  • The case officer will prepare a summary advice to be cleared by a Principal Planner, Team Manager or Section Manager.

Within 21 working days of your meeting with a case officer:

  • You will need to agree and settle any outstanding invoices with a Principal Planner, Team Manager or Section Manager.

The same procedures apply for further investigations, advice or meetings.

Category Concept Meeting developments

Within 15 working days of the receipt of your request:

  • The case officer will assess the proposal in relation to relevant policies and planning requirements and seek any specialist advice received.
  • The case officer will then contact you to arrange a convenient meeting date.

The case officer will aim to hold the meeting within 20 working days of the receipt of your request.

Category D+ developments

Within 10 working days of the receipt of your request:

  • The case officer will assess the proposal in relation to relevant policies and planning requirements and seek any specialist advice received.

Within 20 working days of the receipt of your request:

  • The case officer will prepare a summary advice to be cleared by a Senior Planner, Principal Planner, Team Manager or Section Manager. Where specialist advice is needed, up to an additional 10 working days may be required.

Category D developments

Within 10 working days of the receipt of your request:

  • Meeting will be arranged.

Pre-Applications and the RIBA Plan of Works

It is recommended that the Applicants engage with the Pre-app and Design Review Panel services early to receive advice as they develop designs and progress through the RIBA Plan of Works (RIBA Plan of Work ( The below table sets out guidance for when Applicants should consider engaging with the Planning Authority:

RIBA WorkstageLPA Meetings



Stage 1 (Preparation and Briefing)Concept Pre-AppReview the principle of development and provide initial policy considerations. Review of initial site strategies - servicing and access; building positioning; boundary treatments; and landscaping. To provide an appraisal on initial options.

Stage 2

(Concept Design)


Design Review Panel

Review of developing proposals the Applicants design intent for the scheme considering form and massing; height; and townscape views. An opportunity to discuss Validation Requirements and any supporting reports needed at Full Application stage.

Stage 3

(Spatial Coordination)


Design Review Panel

To refine proposals prior to a full Planning Application. Comprehensive review of application particulars e.g. landscape and public realm, sustainability aspirations. Review of architectural design such as internal layouts; elevation design and treatments; details and materiality.

Officer’s hourly rates

Following the meeting with officers or issuing of the pre-application response letter (depending on the pre-application category), the case will be deemed closed.

In addition to the allocated case officer, you can request a Principal Planning Officer for any Pre-application meetings or site visit (where appropriate) or Area Manager for Category A+ to C Pre-application meetings or site visit (where appropriate) subject to formal prior agreement and additional charges. The allocated Principal Planning Officer or Area Manager would then be responsible for agreeing the Pre-application summary advice (not applicable to Category D) and will see the scheme through to decision at formal application stage (those decided under delegated powers (i.e. decided at officer level).

Any further advice sought from officers will either be charged at the rates outlined in the table below, or at the follow up pre-application fee.

per hour
Assistant Director/Director£300£60£360
Head of Service£250£50£300
Area Team Leader£200£40£240
Principal Planning Officer£150£30£180
Planning Officer£100£20£120
Administrative Officer£75£15£90


Any advice given by council officers for pre-application enquiries does not indicate any formal decision by the council as local planning authority.

Any views or opinions expressed are given in good faith, and to the best of ability without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application following statutory public consultation, the issues raised and evaluation of all available information.

You should therefore be aware that officers cannot give guarantees about the final formal decision that will be made on your planning or related applications, which will be subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the position.

It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes would decline over time. Advice for schemes submitted more than three years after the date will not be valid.

Pre-application confidentiality

Please be aware, if requested by a third party, any pre-application advice given is likely to be made publicly available as part of the online documents if we receive a related planning application. If you consider that any information contained in your pre-application submission, or any of the advice you received, should not be made available to the public upon receipt of a related planning application, the Council will need to be notified of this in advance of a full application, and the reasons why you consider this information should be exempt.

Planning Officer Duty Service

An officer is available via phone Monday to Friday, 1pm - 3pm to discuss planning queries, other than advice on site specific applications. There is a pre application service available for those discussions. The line is very busy so please be patient. Site specific advice on application submissions will not be discussed.

Contact us

Development Management
London Borough of Merton
Civic Centre
London Road


DX: Morden 41650

Fees for the pre-application service are non-refundable. Each agreement tends to be unique to the particular application and you can talk to the case officer at pre-application state about what is involved and the likely fee. Any agreement does not infer a positive recommendation is guaranteed, although every effort is made to positively process such applications. Please see Planning performance agreements (GOV.UK website)