Before you make a complaint
- See Government guidance on complaining to a council about high hedges.
- Alternatively you can see techniques for resolving the issue with your neighbour (
How to make a complaint
There is a fee of £400 to register a complaint.
We will ask you some questions to check if you satisfy the criteria for making a complaint. If you meet the criteria we will send you a complaint form.
What happens next
- Once we have received your form we will determine whether it is a valid complaint.
- If we decide it is not a valid complaint then we will write to you explaining why this is the case and return your fee.
- If we decide that you have a valid complaint we will start gathering information by writing to those involved and visiting the site to assess the hedge from both sides.
- We will not normally publicise these complaints unless the hedge is protected by a tree preservation order or it is in a conservation area.
- Any representations sent in by other interested parties will be forwarded to the person responsible for managing the hedge and the complainant.
Reaching a decision
- We will aim to reach a decision within 12 weeks of receiving a valid complaint.
- If we find that the complaint is reasonable we will send the hedge owner a notice specifying how high the hedge can be and by when the work needs to be done by.
- Either party can appeal if they do not agree with this decision.
When works are not carried out
- If the person responsible for managing the hedge does not follow out the instructions in the notice they could be prosecuted in the magistrates court.
- If found guilty they could be fined up to £1000.
- They will be given another deadline by which to meet the requirements of the notice. If they continue to not carry out the instructions after the deadline, that person could be fined on a daily basis.
Use of default powers
In certain circumstances the Local Planning Authority may enter the hedge owner's land and carry out the work detailed in the notice.
Contact us
Trees and Landscapes
London Borough of Merton
Merton Civic Centre
London Road