Apply online

Planning applications should be made online at the Planning Portal: 

Apply online at the Planning Portal

Before applying for planning permission, please read the notes below.

If you have difficulty in making an application via the Planning Portal then simply provide a short supplementary note to accompany your submission.

Check if you need planning permission

Do you need planning permission? (Planning Portal website)

Some types of building works do not require planning permission. This is called permitted development.

Permitted development for householder extensions and alterations does not apply to flats, apartments and maisonettes.

Permitted Development is also restricted for some types of development in Conservation Areas as well as for listed buildings and new build homes. In these cases, planning permission will be required.

Check if there are permitted development constraints:

Seek advice if required

You can get accurate and objective advice on your proposed development before you apply.

Pre-application advice service 

Applications must be complete and accurate

Your application may be made invalid, and the planning process delayed, if you do not provide the information required to support your application.

The validation checklist contains notes on what standard of information is required.

Please note that national requirements include the submission of accurate, scaled drawings; and it is possible that a planning permission granted upon the basis of inaccurate plans could be rescinded.

Maps and copyright

We can not provide Ordnance Survey maps for use as site location plans. Please do not print copies of OS maps (or other copyrighted material) found using the online Planning Explorer in connection with existing applications as these cannot be accepted. Please also do not submit photocopies of copyrighted material (such as from OS maps in libraries) unless it is accompanied with a waiver from the copyright owner allowing you to use it for non-personal uses. The Planning Portal provides a mapping service, as does the National Map Centre; and there are free resources to be found on the web (these may be subject to personal-use clauses in licenses that may mean that they cannot be used for gain / making a planning application – it is your responsibility to check).


Use the Fee Calculator on the Planning Portal to help calculate the cost of an application.

Fee sheet list

The Planning Portal handles all payments on our behalf, including but not limited to Cheques and BACS transfer.

Application forms

Before submitting your application via the Planning Portal, please read the Planning Applications Advice page and complete the checklist below.

If you need to apply for two consent types, e.g. planning permission and listed building consent, combined forms are available that include the questions for both application types. If you use one of these combined forms, even though you only have to complete one form, it will be treated as two applications and you will be given two application numbers, one for each type of consent.

The guidance notes for completing a form are the same regardless of the form type.

Validation checklist

Merton’s Planning Application Validation Checklist contains notes on what standard of information is required, for instance drawings should be to scale and include a scale bar.

Planning Application Validation Checklist 2024

The checklist has been updated to reflect Merton’s Local Plan 2024 and applies to all application types below, other than with respect of permitted development, non-material amendments, advertisement consents, telecommunications prior notification, tree works and listed buildings with separate checklists for those applications.

Design and Access Statements

Most applications will need to be accompanied by a Design and Access Statement, which explains how the proposed development is a suitable response to the site and its setting, and demonstrate that it can be adequately accessed by prospective users. Design and Access Statements are not needed for householder applications outside a conservation area.

For more information see What is a Design and Access Statement? (GOV.UK)

Incorrect fee refunds

The Planning Portal has a fee calculator and given the information you provide it will calculate the correct statutory planning fee.  We charge £50 to cover administration costs should you incorrectly pay the wrong fee for your application.  This will either be deducted from the fee you have already paid or added to any additional fee to be taken.   

Once an application has been submitted, planning application fees are non-refundable.

Contact us

Development Control
London Borough of Merton
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3777
Phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 1pm-3pm. Please have some information to hand such as the address of the property or site.