Vegetation on private land overhanging roads or paths

If a tree, hedge or plant growing on private land is obstructing a road, pavement or footpath, please report it to us.

We will contact the householder to ask them to cut it back within 14 days. If it isn't cut back within this time, we will arrange for our contractor to do the work at the householder's expense.

Report overhanging vegetation from private land

Trees overhanging your property

You need to apply to us to prune the tree if it is in a conservation area or subject to a tree preservation order or a restrictive planning condition.

If the tree is not subject to any restrictions, you have the right to prune overhanging tree branches back to the boundary line of your property, even if you don't own the tree. However, you will have some responsibilities if you do this: see Trees and the Law (RHS website) for more details.

Overhanging public trees

We prune trees that we are responsible for, such as trees in parks and on streets, under the following circumstances:

  • where there is a risk to people or property
  • where branches are within one metre of an inhabited home
  • to provide a clearance of 2.3 metres over pavements and 5.2 metres over roads
  • for the good health and management of our trees.

We don't prune trees to reduce:

  • shading
  • leaf fall
  • bird droppings
  • other seasonal nuisance
  • overhanging branches, unless they pose a risk to people or property.

Report a problem with a tree on public land

Report a dangerous street tree

Report a problem with a tree in a park