Joint Chairs: Director of Environment and Regeneration, Merton Council/Chair of the Chamber of Commerce
Lead Officer: Head of Sustainable Communities, Merton Council
The structure chart of the Sustainable Communities and Transport board
Revised (existing) purpose of the thematic partnership
To work in partnership to create a more sustainable borough, one which is less reliant on fossil fuel and which reduces its negative impact on the environment and climate change in particular. The Partnership promotes investment into the borough to create new jobs as well as looking to improve skills levels and the capacity of residents to benefit from these jobs and those across the region. The Board seeks to improve the condition and supply of housing including affordable housing. The Board works to promote the development of sustainable transport particularly active transport [cycling and walking] as well as public transport in and around Merton.
The Partnership brings together a wide range of work under this purpose, and is accountable for joint working in these functions to the Merton Partnership. The functions include:
- Transport
- Housing
- Regeneration
- Economic Development
- Business Growth
- Skills
- Climate Change
- Cleanliness
Within these areas the Board will adopt a specific set of priorities each year. These will be chosen in the context of opportunities, timeliness, partners' priorities, regional and national agendas and capacity. The year will normally run from May, fitting with the electoral cycle.
Our priorities for 2018-2019:
- Increase the supply of jobs and improve skills
- Promote a cleaner environment and reduce waste consigned to landfill
- Increase the use of public and active transport in the borough
- Build social capital, connecting neighbourhoods and communities to grow resilience and self-reliance
New duties (2011)
Transport: no new duties]
Housing: Changes in housing funding require the Council to work closely with Registered Housing providers on rent levels as there is increasing pressure for rents to pay for the cost of future development reducing the requirement for HCA grant funding. In addition there is a shift towards removing lifetime tenancies with the potential impact on the sustainability of communities. New Homes Bonus has created a greater incentive for housing development.
Environment: The Carbon Reduction Commitment has been introduced as a tax on carbon. Local authorities and other large energy users are caught by the requirement to report on and reduce carbon production. Green Deal legislation is working its way through and will provide a stronger incentive towards energy reduction and renewable energy production. The waste strategy has indicated no additional duties in this area.
Economy / Employment: There are no new duties beyond the requirement to carry out an economic assessment of the Local Authority area. There are some additional opportunities including Local Enterprise Partnerships and Tax Increment Finance however Merton is unlikely to benefit from them.
Infrastructure / Investment: No new duties.
Key strategies/ plans working to deliver
- Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
- Local Development Framework Core Strategy
- Sustainable Transport Strategy [LIP] 2011-2026
- Housing Strategy
Economy / Employment
Organisation | Role |
Clarion Housing Group | Head of Merton Regeneration |
Evolve Housing & Support | Chief Executive |
Love Wimbledon | Chief Executive, Business Improvement District |
Merton Chamber of Commerce | Chief Executive (Joint Chair) |
Merton Council | Director of Environment & Regeneration (Joint Chair) |
Merton Council | Cabinet Member for Regeneration |
Merton Council | Assistant Director Sustainable Communities |
Merton Council | Housing Strategy Manager |
Merton Council | Future Merton Programme Manager, Economy |
Merton Council | Future Merton Manager |
Merton Council | Interim Public Health Consultant |
Merton Council | Senior Communications Officer |
Merton Voluntary Service Council | Head of Community Engagement |
Moat Housing | Executive Director |
South Wimbledon Business Area | Estate Coordinator |
Sustainable Merton | Chief Executive |
Voluntary Sector | CEN Representative (Merton Community Transport Chief Officer) |
Voluntary Sector | CEN Representative (Director, Commonside Development Trust) |
Wandle Housing Association | Chief Executive |
Willow Lane Industrial Estate | Chief Executive, Business Improvement District |