
A five-year comprehensive plan for borough-wide playground and paddling pool upgrades is underway.

This plan charts our course to revitalise and upgrade playgrounds most in need across the borough, ensuring safe, fun, and educational spaces for our residents.

A £1.75 million grant has been awarded to us for playground improvements in line with the 'Priority Playground Upgrade Scheme 2023-27.'

We're also collaborating closely with 'Friends of Parks' groups, harnessing the collective passion of our community, to secure additional funding through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

The upgrades and installations will be carried out by Active Landscapes, known for crafting engaging, interactive, educational, and themed playgrounds. Durability and easy maintenance are at the forefront of our considerations, ensuring maximum value for our facility users.

Year 1 upgrades (2023/2024)

These parks have been prioritised for improvements based on playground inspection reports, and those most in need of upgrades.

In year 1, we will be upgrading Rowan Road Recreation Ground and Miles Road Recreation Ground based on community feedback results. 

We will also be upgrading Cottenham Park playground, Haydon’s Road Recreation Ground and Joseph Hood Recreation Ground’s paddling pool based on a recent ROSPA safety inspection. We’re upgrading the existing wet pour safety surface of the playground at Ravensbury Park. 

We’re also adding a brand-new wheelchair-accessible roundabout and we’re refurbishing the edges of the play area surface.

These parks will see transformations that cater to various age groups, creating inviting spaces that inspire play and adventure.

Dates of year 1 playground upgrade works

These dates are weather-dependent and subject to minor changes.

LocationExpected start date of worksExpected completion dateStatus
Cottenham Park playgroundMid-April 2024May 2024Complete
Rowan Road Recreation Ground PlaygroundMid-March 2024June 2024Complete
Miles Road Recreation Ground playgroundMid-May 2024Early July 2024Complete
Haydons Road Recreation Ground playgroundLate June 2024Mid July 2024Complete
Joseph Hood Recreation Ground Paddling PoolEarly June 2024July 2024Complete
Ravensbury ParkLate June 2024Mid July 2024Planned

Plans for year 1 playground upgrades

Rowan Road Recreation Ground playground plans

Perspective 1

Playground proposals for Rowan Recreation Ground showing a lily-pad frog theme with the following facilities: Ocean Junior Multi-Play, Pendulum Swing Single Point Basket Swing Rotating and Rocking Carousel, Spinner Bowl, Toddler Spica Artificial Grass Mound with Tunnel Embankment D-Width Slide, Fun Fair Net 10 Springer, 3D Mini Tunnel, Beach Hut Multi-Play, 4-Way Springer, Inclusive Roundabout, and Ocean Multi-Seesaw 163 Bay Swing Set.

Miles Road Recreation Ground playground plans

Timber version perspective 1

Playground proposals for Miles Road Recreation Ground with a Quintessential English Village Pond theme showing the following facilities: Duck House Toddler Multi-Play Unit, Springer x 2, 3D EDPM Frog with Tunnel, Flat and Cradle Seat Swing, Junior Multi-Play Unit, Basket Swing, Inclusive Roundabout, Park Bench x 2, Park Bin x 2.

Cottenham Park playground plans

Cottenham Park Playground Plans

Perspective 1

Playground proposals for Cottenham Park with the following facilities:

  • Space Net
  • Balance Pod
  • Balanced Beam
  • Stepping Pod
  • Glacial Boulders
  • Grass Roots 
  • Curved Ladder
  • Rope Traversing

Joseph Hood Recreation Ground Paddling Pool plans

Perspective 1

Playground proposals for Joseph Hood Recreation Ground with the following facilities:

  • 3D Octopus with stepping posts
  • 3D Pufferfish climber
  • 3D Starfish
  • Water Desk with pulley bucket
  • Water Pump with trays, troughs and dams.
  • Inclusive Picnic Table
  • Full wet pour surfacing
  • Ramped stones

Haydons Road Recreation Ground playground plans

Playground proposals for Haydons Road Recreation ground with the following facilities:  Rope End Swing 2 Mantis Multi-Play Unit

Haydons Road Recreation Ground

Playground proposals for Haydons Road Recreation ground with the following facilities:

  • Rope End Swing
  • 2 Mantis Multi-Play Unit

Ravensbury Park playground plans


Ravensbury Park

Replacement of existing wetpour with new full coloured surfacing finished with a trench edge around perimeter. 

Community feedback results

We couldn't have achieved this without the invaluable input from our residents and Friends of parks groups. A huge thank you to everyone who attended our community feedback events. We have implemented resident’s feedback into our final plans for Rowan Road and Miles Road playground upgrades.

Rowan Road Playground upgrades community feedback results

  • Residents' concerns about the popular paddling pool were addressed, assuring that it will remain and undergo a revamp, featuring a beach and sea theme with added safety measures.
  • Shade and tree considerations have been incorporated into the design.
  • New benches and picnic benches will replace the tired timber benches, enhancing the area for family visits.
  • Although trampolines and zip wires were deemed inappropriate due to site-specific challenges, a rope swing was included to offer a similar play experience.
  • The top five favourite play area items, including tall places, hiding places, shade, trees, and climbing walls, have been integrated into the design to create an exciting play environment for children and families.

Miles Road Playground upgrades community feedback results

  • To address residents' requests, additional cradle swings and a tall slide will be included in the new design.
  • More bins and benches will be provided for comfort and cleanliness.
  • Concerns about flooding will be mitigated through a raised safety surfacing design, ensuring accessibility year-round.
  • The top five favourite play area items, including hiding places, tall places, tunnels, wood, and sand/water, have been thoughtfully integrated into the design with multi-play units, a 3D Frog with a tunnel, and timber equipment.

The project aims to enhance the Miles Road Play Area based on community preferences.

Year 2 upgrades (2024/25)

We will be upgrading Lewis Road Recreation Ground in year 2 of the playground project.

More playgrounds are to be announced for year 2, where we’ll be inviting residents to further  community feedback events.

Lewis Road Recreation Ground playground plans

Lewis road playground plans 1

Playground proposals for Lewis Road Recreation Ground showing a woodland theme with the following facilities:

Spring Seesaw, A Frame Swing With Flat, Cradle & Basket Seats, Tree Seat, Treehouse Climbing Unit, Inclusive Wheelchair Roundabout, Flying Bee Zipwire, Climb 'n' Spin Cone Climber.

Lewis Road Recreation Ground upgrades community feedback results

Following our community engagement event, we will be implementing the following:

  • Grass area subdivided for children's nature space and a separate open space for activities, with a new gate from the main pathway.
  • Additional rubbish and recycling bins, and a dog bin with signage.
  • Old benches replaced, and extra benches added for improved seating.
  • Inclusive swing seat accommodated as requested, along with a zipwire, launch platform, cradle swings, and a three-bay swing with diverse seating options.
  • Design focused on preventing slippery equipment under tree canopies.
  • The top five favourite play area items, featuring tall places, primary colours, and enhancing existing trees for increased seating and social aspects.

Community-funded initiatives

We're also proud to announce our commitment to community-funded initiatives.

A £130k community CIL scheme at Garfield Road Recreation Ground has now been completed and has transformed an underutilised space into a vibrant social hub.

This project, in collaboration with Friends of Friends group for Garfield Recreation Ground and Wandle Meadow Nature Park, and councillors promotes social interaction and engagement.

Morden Park has also seen improvements, made possible through collaboration with local Friends groups and disability organisations.

We have expanded the play space, utilised previously unused areas and enhanced usability during all seasons. Improved footpaths, access, drainage, and new play equipment have elevated the play experience, ensuring enjoyment year-round.

Morden Park and Moreton Green outdoor gym installations

Our partnership with the neighbouring leisure centre (GLL) and the Friends group brings an upgrade to the outdoor gym at Morden Park and a newly installed outdoor gym to Moreton Green.