June 2022 update

Works to create the new open channel open channel through Ashen Grove and through the public park has been completed, which creates additional storage for floodwaters during time of heavy flows and helps improves biodiversity establish over time. Previously, the channel was covered and flowed within underground culverts and pipes.

The project has now been finalised.

Please see some photos of the completed scheme:

Wimbledon Park Lake Project


Wimbledon Park Lake Project image 1

May 2022 update

The excavation of the channel in the downstream zone is now complete, in channel gravels are now in place and the remaining landscaping works are beginning on-site. Services are in the process of being diverted where required. The new ‘raised’ bund adjacent to the Revelstoke Road Entrance has been formed and is being seeded. Works are scheduled for completion in early June 2022, please refer to the key project dates section below for further details.

April 2022 update

The Qualified Civil Engineer (QCE), Dr Andy Hughes, who has been overseeing the works on behalf of the London Borough of Merton (as required by the Reservoirs Act 1975) has certified that the contractor has now completed the ‘reservoir safety’ works at Wimbledon Park Lake and this has been logged with the Environment Agency’s reservoirs team as the regulator.

The contractor, Ward and Burke, have excavated the downstream channel for the new section of the ‘Wimbledon Park Brook’ and are in the process of landscaping the areas surrounding the new channel and adjacent to the Revelstoke Road entrance. Works are scheduled for completion in early June 2022, please refer to the key project dates section below for further details.

March 2022 update

Wim Park Lake March 2022

The major improvement works to the reservoir embankment have now been completed and a section of the Lake footpath adjacent to the water sports centre has been reopened to the public. Some landscaping/planting is proposed in the section next to Ashen Grove Wood on the embankment.

The contractor, Ward and Burke, has now initiated phase 4 in the public park which is the deculverting and river restoration of Wimbledon Park Brook and Heras fencing has been erected to maintain a safe working boundary in these zones. Logs have been distributed and placed in Horse Close Wood in consultation with the Friends of Wimbledon Park.

Phase 5, which includes bunding/land raising next to the Revelstoke Rd park entrance will also be commencing in the coming weeks.

Please refer to the updated construction phase overview for the revised pedestrian diversion route and to the below timeline for further details relating to the project’s programme.

Wimbledon Park Lake Safety Project - Construction Phase Overview

February 2022 update

The contractor, Ward and Burke, is now nearing completion of the new primary spillway works in Ashen Grove Wood. Additionally, they have now raised and repaired the sheet piles and installed the new kerb line to the embankment walkway. They are preparing the Lake footpath for the installation of the new surface finish and final landscaping.

Further landscaping works are planned around the Ashen Grove wood spillway before moving onto the works downstream within the public park close to the children’s play area/Café and Mini-golf. This next phase of works will consist of deculverting (daylighting/opening up) of the Wimbledon Park Brook through the park area and associated improvement and landscaping works.

Please note that there will be minor disruption to access paths in this area of the park, during the next phase of the works.

Please refer to the timeline below for further details relating to the project’s programme and the construction phase overview for a visualisation of how the work will be progressed on site.

  • February 2022 update 1
  • February 2022 update 2
  • February 2022 update 3
Wim Park Lake 1
Wim Park Lake 2
Wim Park Lake 3

January 2022 update

Works to the proposed primary spillway & new eel pass in Ashen Grove Wood are due to commence in January 2022. To facilitate the works in a safe manner and in the shortest timeframe, the full length of pedestrian footpath adjacent to the Lake will be closed and a section of the children’s play park footpath next to Ashen Grove wood only, will be closed with appropriate signage and fencing.

In addition to this, Ward and Burke will temporarily lower the water level of the lake to allow them to undertake the works safely and in a controlled manner.

The latest construction phase plan shows the project in detail.

Please refer to the timeline below for further details relating to the project’s programme and the construction phase overview for a visualisation of how the work will be progressed on site.

December 2021 update

The design and build contractor, Ward and Burke, has now established their main work site compound. They have set up safe and secure access routes within the park. This has allowed them to complete the necessary enabling works. The work on the new primary spillway will commence in January. The primary spillway is one of the most important upgraded sections of scheme to ensure the future safety of the lake moving forward, which is why it has been prioritised in the programming for the New Year.

Lake 2

Access Route fencing in Wimbledon Park - (December 2021)

November 2021 update

The project’s lead contractor, Ward and Burke, has started to mobilise on site and set up their site compound and safety fencing on site as planned. In the upcoming period, Ward and Burke will complete their site set up and undertake the required enabling works to facilitate the 1st stage of the reservoir safety works to the Lake.

Work will now move forwards as detailed in the timeline below.

October 2021 update

The appointed contractor, Ward and Burke Construction, is continuing with the process of discharging planning conditions, including the successful completion of follow on specialist Heritage and Ecology surveys and subsequent submission of these details to Merton Council's planning team. The Merton Council Planning Explorer reference number for the 'approval of details reserved by condition' application is 21/P3961.

Works are expected to start on site at the end of November as planned.

Ward and Burke have also made significant progress in mobilising staff and materials to prepare for their programmed start date.

You can view the successful planning application documents online (reference 21/P1930). Work will now move forwards as detailed in the timeline below.

September 2021 update 

We are pleased to announce that the full planning application for the Reservoir Safety works and River Restoration at Wimbledon Park Lake has now been granted at Planning Application Committee subject to conditions (23/09/2021). The appointed contractor, Ward and Burke Construction, is currently in the process of submitting details to our planning team to discharge the planning conditions. Works are planned to begin on site in November 2021 including the erection of the works compound. The park will continue to remain open to the public.

You can view the planning application documents online (reference 21/P1930). Work will now move forwards as detailed in the timeline below.

Project Overview

We have conducted a flood study of Wimbledon Park Lake, it was found that it no longer meets safety standards required by the Reservoir Act 1975. We are carrying out statutory improvement works in the interest of reservoir safety.  

Ward and Burke Construction Ltd have been commissioned by us to undertake the design, planning and construction of modification and improvement works to the existing Wimbledon Park Reservoir dam. These works require the upgrade of the existing spillway, embankment modifications and construction of an additional auxiliary spillway to accommodate safe passage of the flood events.

The scheme will also include additional improvement works including the deculverting and river restoration of Wimbledon Park Brook in the park.

A planning application for the scheme has been submitted to us.

Project timeline

  • Gardiner and Theobald engagement: January 2020
  • ARPE Tender Release: February 2020
  • ARPE Tender Received March 2020
  • Main Contractor Tender Release: June 2020
  • Main Contractor Tender Return: July 2020
  • Appointment of Preferred Contractor: September 2020
  • NEC Contract Award: Dec 2020

Key programme dates

  • Submission of Planning: May 2021
  • Planning Approval: Sept 2021
  • Start on Site November: 2021
  • Planned Contract Completion of Reservoir Scheme Elements only: Date January 2022
  • Anticipated Completion Date May 2022

Flood Study 2019


Project surveys

Technical steering group documents


Project planning application

Contact us

Leisure and Cultural Services
Merton Civic Centre
London Road
Telephone: 020 8545 3678 or 020 8545 3930
Fax: 020 8545 3326