Merton Population
- Merton Population Summary Infographics
- Population Demographics
- Population Changes & Growth
- Inequalities & Deprivation (including The Core20)
- Merton Population Dashboard
Some people who use accessibility tools might have trouble using this dashboard. You can access the same data in an accessible format using the Merton Population Accessible Data Table
Health Protection & Screening
- Health Protection & Screening Summary Infographics
- Adult Screening & Vaccination
- Childhood Immunisation & Screening
- COVID-19
- Infectious Diseases
- Health Protection & Screening Dashboard
Some people who use accessibility tools might have trouble using this dashboard. You can access the same data in an accessible format using the Health Protection & Screening Accessible Data Table
Start Well
- Start Well Summary Infographics
- Childhood Adversity & Safeguarding
- Child Healthy Weight
- Early Years
- CYP Mental Health including Alcohol & Other Drug Use
- Oral Health
- Start Well Dashboard
Some people who use accessibility tools might have trouble using this dashboard. You can access the same data in an accessible format using the Start Well Accessible Data Table
Live Well
- Live Well Summary Infographics
- Risk Factors: Overweight & Obesity, Healthy Weight & Physical Activity
- Diabetes & Other Long Term Conditions
- Sexual Health
- Smoking & Respiratory Health – COPD & Asthma
- Adult Mental Health & Suicide
- Alcohol & Other Drugs
- Live Well Dashboard
Some people who use accessibility tools might have trouble using this dashboard. You can access the same data in an accessible format using the Live Well Accessible Data Table
Age Well
- Age Well Summary Infographics
- Dementia
- Physical Activity, Frailty & Falls
- Social Connectedness, Loneliness & Isolation Amongst Older People
- Disabilities
- Carers
- Age Well Dashboard
Some people who use accessibility tools might have trouble using this dashboard. You can access the same data in an accessible format using the Age Well Accessible Data Table
Healthy Place
- Healthy Place Summary Infographics
- Employment, Cost of Living & Food Environment
- Green Space, Climate Change & Air Quality
- Community Cohesion & Crime
- Assets
- Healthy Place Dashboard
Some people who use accessibility tools might have trouble using this dashboard. You can access the same data in an accessible format using the Healthy Place Accessible Data Table