The NHS Complaints Advocacy Service can help you make a complaint about a service you have received from the National Health Service (NHS). The service is free, independent and confidential.
They can help you to understand the NHS complaints process and make a complaint about your issues. If you do not feel comfortable making a complaint by yourself, or you need support at any point during the complaints process, they can give you that support.
Contact details
- Website: VoiceAbility | Merton
- Helpline: 0300 303 1660
- Email
Merton Council's role
From 1 April 2013 we are responsible for commissioning an independent advocacy service to assist local residents in making complaints about an NHS service they have received. The Council appointed VoiceAbility to provide this service with effect from 1st April 2021.
In addition to NHS Complaints Advocacy Service, the Council appointed VoiceAbility to deliver the following services from 1st February 2020:
- IMCA advocacy
- IMHA advocacy
- Care Act advocacy
- RPR advocacy
- Rule 1.2A representation
VoiceAbility can be contacted using a single set of contact details highlighted above for all enquiries about all advocacy services.
Contact us
Commissioning Team
Merton Council
Civic Centre
London Road
Telephone: 020 8545 4650