Service Description

Merton Greenspaces Arboriculture provides a service from a budget that has been de-delegated to spend on all non-PFI maintained or non-Academy schools. Therefore no buy back is required to receive the core service. The budget is de-delegated to ensure all schools receive the appropriate support to manage any health and safety risk and to maximise the many benefits trees provide to pupils and staff.  The service could also be provided to Academy schools for a charge and Academies interested in this should contact the staff detailed below.  

Merton Greenspaces Arboriculture carries out full condition survey and inventory update of trees in school grounds on a two year cycle and commissions and supervises all work to trees which arises from these inspections using the de-delegated budget.  Other items of Green Infrastructure, such as hedgerows and school Nature areas are also considered within our portfolio. Works are prioritised from the limited budget, with the highest priority being for works where there is a health and safety risk, before further good practice works are undertaken to assist the long-term life of the tree assets.  

SLA services offered

Trees are valuable assets to schools. They provide numerous benefits at low risk, including:  

  • screening and protection from poor quality air. Trees can reduce atmospheric pollution levels by absorbing and intercepting particulates (PM10s, PM3s, etc.,) and gaseous pollutants such as NOx and CO2, under some local circumstances, by as much as 70% 
  • shade from direct sunlight and protecting young people from those hazardous effects of climate change and excessive urban heat (UHI effects). 
  • similar ameliorating effects against high winds, rain and low temperature in winter, incidentally reducing heating costs. 
  • screening from views of traffic and external hard landscape features, traffic noise and perception of it and controlling views into school premises.  
  • educational opportunities (outdoor classrooms) in natural environment subjects, science and diversity. 
  • promoting well-being and mental health by softening harsh hard environments, reminding of the seasons and the natural world. 

Many sources detail other benefits and highlight the advantages of retaining as much natural capital as possible on any school site.  

Greenspaces Arboriculture maintains a detailed, cloud-based data inventory (EZYTREEV), linked to digital maps and aerial views, of every tree and 'group feature' on site.   

  • The data comprises measurements, history, species, condition and risk rating (THREATS model) and monetary valuation (CAVAT system) of every tree and group. The system is used to manage all recommended works and is fully updated on a two year basis to comply with our enhanced Duty of Care to young people. 
  • Reports can be made available on such matters as the Total Amenity Value of school trees, Species breakdown or Age Class breakdown and tree maps can be provided. 
  • Works are prioritised from the limited budget, with the highest priority being for works where there is a health and safety risk e.g. pruning to prevent the risk of branch failures, before further good practice works are undertaken to assist the long-term health of trees. 
  • We identify areas for new or replacement planting in the most advantageous locations to provide the above benefits and incorporate such into the database and regime. Such works can be undertaken from the de-delegate budget if resources allow after health and safety works In conjunction with school site managers and/or other authorised staff, we commission a number of our contractors (generally three) to price work, awarding it to the most competitive in order to achieve best value from the overall budget.  We strive to maintain / increase canopy cover by retaining large tree specimens/species wherever possible to maximise the benefits noted above.  Tree removal is therefore only undertaken for reasons of good arboricultural practice,  and as a last resort e.g. no alternative for safety of children and staff or to avoid major property damage We will respond additionally to ad hoc requests for inspection where circumstances warrant and advise on matters concerning trees and neighbours and trees and structures both within and without the school. Wherever possible we will provide educational advice and visits – whether for planting schemes within schools, such as perimeter hedgerows and wildlife areas, or planting events in local parks and open spaces or guided nature and 'tree' walks, on or off site. With limited resources such assistance is dependent on close liaison and support from the school in question.  Financial assistance is sometimes but not always required to enable such events and replacement planting.


If you require additional information please contact 

Daniel Sitch 
Arboricultural Officer 
Tel: 020 8545 3990 