What do governing boards do?

The school’s governing board is responsible overall for the conduct of the school and must lead the school with a view to promoting high standards of achievement. It should fulfil its functions in a strategic way. Broadly speaking governing bodies have responsibilities in the following areas:

  • Ensuring the school’s clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff, and,
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

How are governing boards made up?

Governing boards agree their constitution which determines how many of each category of governor they can have. This is to ensure they have a dynamic governing body which is no larger than it needs to be, with governors who are actively contributing the relevant skills and experience. They are:

  • Parent governors - elected by other parents at the school;
  • A staff governor - elected by teachers and support staff working at the school;
  • The headteacher;
  • A local authority governor - nominated by the local authority; appointed by the governing board
  • Co-opted governors - chosen and appointed by the governing body; and
  • Foundation governors at church schools - appointed by the diocesan boards and church authorities
  • Academy Trusts operate under different regulations. The specific arrangements for the constitution of Academies’ boards and local governing boards are set out in their individual articles of association. 
  • There may be other categories of governor depending on the type of school or academy. 

How do governing boards work?

A governing board works closely with the headteacher and makes strategic decisions collectively as a team. As well as through school visits, it conducts most of its business through meetings, making use of relevant information, data, guidance and advice from the headteacher and other independent sources.

Regular attendance at meetings is essential. Most governing boards have committees that focus on curriculum, standards, finance, premises, personnel, teaching and learning. Governors will be expected to join at least one committee which best fits the skills they possess or are willing to develop.

Academy trusts may have different levels of governance and their delegated responsibilities may vary from trust to trust.

How long is the term of office?

Governors generally serve for a four-year term but may resign mid-term if personal circumstances change.

Contact us

Merton and Sutton Governor Support Service
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Tel: 020 8545 3307 / 3118 / 3923
Email: governor.support@merton.gov.uk