On this page
Check your waiting list position
If your child is already on a waiting list for a Merton community school, please use your application reference number to find out where they are placed on the waiting list:
Check your waiting list position
Renew your place on a waiting list
Merton school waiting lists close each term. If your child is on a waiting list you must complete the online renewal form each term if you want your child's name to stay on the list.
When the renewal form is available
- Spring term:
Renewal form is available from 1 March to 31 March.
Waiting lists close on 31 March. - Summer term:
Renewal form is available from 1 July to 31 July.
Waiting lists close on 31 July. - Autumn term:
Renewal form is available from 1 December to 31 December.
Waiting lists close on 31 December.
What happens after you submit the renewal form
You will receive an email confirming that your request has been received and will be processed. The email will confirm that School Admissions will contact you if there are any queries regarding your request. The email will also confirm when you will need to submit a new request if a place cannot be offered.
If you don't renew your place
After the waiting list closes, the names of any children where the parent has not written in will be removed. If at a later date you decide that you would still like your child to be considered for the school for which their name was on the waiting list, it will be necessary for you to complete a new transfer form.
How waiting lists work
Joining a waiting list
If you apply as part of the main round of applications, your child's name will be automatically added to waiting lists for any higher preference schools than the one offered. You must complete the online renewal form each term if you want your child's name to stay on the list.
If you are not yet on a waiting list but are considering a change of school for your child, you can request a transfer.
Your position on the waiting list
Waiting lists are held in order of the admissions criteria for the school - these are the same criteria used when a school is oversubscribed and they are ranked for offers.
This means that any new application is added to the list based on the same criteria so you can go down the list as well as up. If someone is added to the list who lives closer or who meets a higher criteria, they will be placed above you on the list. Further information about the admission criteria can be found on the relevant pages of our website:
When we offer you a place
If a vacancy arises at a school, the place will be offered to the child whose name is first on the waiting list at that time. If this is your child, School Admissions will contact you with further details. You may be asked to arrange for your child's current school to complete a transfer form as part of this process.
If you are waiting to hear about a transfer and you already have a local school, your child should continue to attend their previous school until an offer is made elsewhere.
Contact us
If you have any questions please contact:
School Admissions Team
Civic Centre
Email admissions@merton.gov.uk