We are consulting on the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools for the 2026/27 academic year. The consultation period commences on 9 December 2024 and closes on 24 January 2025. Please find attached copies of the proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools, together with our proposed Admissions Scheme.

The key changes in the admissions arrangements are:

In all cases where a proposed PAN reduction is indicated, this is due to falling demand for places.

If you want to give your views you must submit your response during the consultation period which ends on 24 January 2025. Anyone wishing to submit their views should write to:

Paul Stemp
Admissions Manager
School Admissions
Merton Civic Centre

Or email admissions@merton.gov.uk FAO Paul Stemp

Voluntary aided schools, foundation schools and academies

The following Foundation schools, Voluntary-Aided schools and Academies publish admission arrangements on their own websites:

Primary Schools

Secondary Schools