How to meet the standards

All NRMM used on construction sites in Greater London must conform to the Mayor of London’s NRMM emission standards.

Construction site operators need to log their sites and machinery online using the NRMM register.

Visit Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) – Mayor of London to:

  • find out about the emissions standard and how to meet it
  • register construction sites and machinery (for help, see this step-by-step website walkthrough)


This document provides guidance on the London NRMM Low Emission Zone (LEZ), including the processes and procedures that must be in place on all development sites to comply with the policy.

Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) Practical Guide v.6 January 2024

Cleaner Construction for London

We audit emissions from NRMM on construction sites, working on behalf of the Greater London Authority and London borough councils. We are a specialist unit based at Merton Council.

What we do

The Air Quality team at Merton is delivering cleaner construction across London.

The London 'Construction Low Emission Zone' is a world first. Our entirely new approach cleans up London’s construction industry, through education and awareness, with boots on the ground, checking machines and removing the most polluting.

Neighbourhood communities are directly benefitted through reduced pollution, and therefore better health outcomes.

By recording engine standards, alongside power and operational hours, modelled emissions savings from project activities can now be calculated.

The project covers all of London, from wealthy areas to the very most deprived. Regeneration frequently takes place in close proximity to dense housing in less affluent areas. Research shows that those exposed to the worst air pollution are more likely to be poorer Londoners and those from minority communities.

Although the larger organisations benefit from in-house environmental teams, the majority of construction in London is undertaken by smaller contractors. By hunting out undeclared sites, smaller developers can be effectively engaged to play their part.

Engaging a single site can lead to wider organisational change, sometimes on a national scale. The activity in London is rightly seen as the shape of things to come more widely.


Contact us

Air Quality
Merton Civic Centre 
London Road 
SM4 5DX 

Telephone: 020 8545 3025 

Regulatory Services Partnership