We plan to change the designated purpose of the four sites to allow for affordable housing development, using a process called “appropriation of land for planning purposes”. A report about this will be considered by our Cabinet on 15 January 2025. Section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 provides the legal framework for this, and allows the council to override certain private rights on the land. This will help ensure the development can proceed without legal delays. Those affected can claim compensation under Section 204 of the same act but cannot seek further damages or prevent the development. This ensures fairness while still allowing the development to proceed in the public interest. We have informed property owners and occupiers who might be affected, and we will commence negotiations.
As required by law, we will announce the planned appropriation in the local newspaper and put up a notice on the site for two weeks. A plan of the land will be available for inspection at the council’s offices. We will consider any feedback (“representations”) or objections before making a final decision.
Land at Canons Place
The land at Canons Place (shown in the site plan below) has been held for pleasure grounds since 1965. The official notice of appropriation was published in the local newspaper and displayed at the site in January 2025.
Official notice of appropriation of land at Canons Place
Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 Section 122(2A), the London Borough of Merton intends to appropriate for planning purposes land at Canons Place, north of 11-17 Madeira Road, Mitcham CR4 4HD. The Land measures approximately 1,800sqm. The planning purposes are for a three-storey development of 18 homes, car parking, cycle parking and landscaping with planning permission reference 24/P1736.
The plan of the land is shown below and is available for inspection at Merton Civic Centre, Customer Service Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX between 9.00am and 5.00pm.
Any representations or objections with respect to the proposal must be made in writing to the Head of Legal, South London Legal Partnership, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX or email canonsplace@merton.gov.uk to be received no later than 29 January 2025.