Whistleblowing, also called ‘making a disclosure in the public interest’, is when you report suspected wrongdoing.
The Whistleblowing policy covers: Council employees including schools, agency staff, trainees, apprentices, volunteers, consultants and interim managers, or any self-employed staff employed on council business, contractors working for the Council and partner agencies. It also covers any suppliers and those providing services under a contract or in partnership with the Council in their own premises.
We encourage whistleblowing. We would prefer to know your concerns rather than find out when it’s too late.
Issues you could raise:
- Fraud or financial irregularity
- Corruption, bribery or blackmail
- Failure to comply with legal or regulatory duty or obligation.
- Malpractice or abuse of a client including improper discrimination or relationships with clients
- Disclosures related to miscarriages of justice.
- Dangerous procedures risking Health and Safety, including risk to the public as well as other employees.
- Damage to the environment.
- Other unethical conduct, including deliberate concealment of information relating to the above
- The inappropriate use of the Council's standing orders and financial procedures.
- Conduct which is a criminal offence or a breach of law
Whistleblowing does not cover:
Relationships between employees, their managers and the Council for which grievance and other dispute procedures are more appropriate.
Concerns or complaints by members of the public to which the Corporate Complaints Procedure would apply
Contact details
- Monitoring Officer, address Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, SM4 5DX or phone 020 8545 3338
- Chief executive: 020 8545 3332
- Leader of the council: 020 8545 3365
- Head of Internal Audit: internalaudit@merton.gov.uk
- Head of Human Resources: 020 8545 3370
- Public concern at work: 020 7404 6609
Merton Whistleblowing Policy 2023
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
South West London Fraud Partnership
We have entered into a partnership with Richmond, Sutton, Wandsworth and Kingston forming the South West London Fraud Partnership (SWLFP) to provide an improved fraud investigation service.
- Call confidential hotline number on: 020 8871 8383
- Email: SWLFP@wandsworth.gov.uk
- Address: SWLFP, Room 205, Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London SW18 2PU
Please include your contact details as we may need to contact you. We'll keep your details confidential.