All councillors and statutory co-opted members must declare certain "pecuniary" and "non-pecuniary" interests.

These declarations can be found on each individual councillor's web page.


Pecuniary interests

These are:

  • employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out for profit or gain
  • sponsorship received in respect of carrying out duties as a member of the authority, or towards election expenses
  • contracts between a councillor (or body in which they have a beneficial interest) and the London Borough of Merton (or organisation contracted to carry out business on its behalf)
  • address of property or land in the London Borough of Merton in which the councillor has a beneficial interest
  • any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occup​y land in the London Borough of Merton for a month or longer
  • any tenancy where (a) the landlord is the London Borough of Merton; and (b) the tenant is a body in which the relevant person has a be​neficial interest
  • any beneficial interest in securities (stocks, shares, bonds…) applies only when the councillor has a large shareholding of a company that operates in the borough: where (a) that body has a place of business or land in the London Borough of Merton; and (b) either (i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or (ii) of the share capital is of more than one class, the total nominal value of any one class in which the councillor has a relevant interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class


Non-pecuniary interests

These are:

  • trade union membership
  • any position of management or control that the councillor holds in any third party organisation within the borough