
Children on athletics track

Merton’s Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme gives children and young people opportunities to enjoy physical exercise, arts and cultural activities, healthy food, trips out and other fun activities. HAF Holiday Clubs are free for children and young people between 5 and 15 years old eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals.

This web page has lots of ideas on how to improve your child’s well-being, including cooking healthy meals, finding great ways to exercise, how to live safely with COVID-19 and flu this winter, and much more. For more information about our local services, go to Family Services Directory.

Cost of living

We know the cost of living is an urgent problem for many of our residents, particularly as we’re now in the winter season.

Keep an eye out for Merton Council events, such as the Cost-of-Living roadshow drop-in sessions, where a range of organisations are available to answer questions and offer advice. Merton Council webpages feature a range of links to services which may be able to assist residents during this time.

These include:

Healthy eating

Healthy eating doesn’t have to break the bank. NHS Better Health has a range of healthy recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner to suit different schedules and budget. Imagine juicy chicken drumsticks, herby pasta with yummy veg, delicious Panjabi dhal and vegetarian and vegan recipes... Video tutorials are also available for some recipes.

Healthy Start programme

If you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant or have children under the age of 4, you may be eligible for Healthy Start. Healthy Start is an NHS programme for families to spend money using their Healthy Start card on fruit, veg, milk and vitamins. This is worth £4.25 per week if you have children between the age of 1-4 years old and £8.50 week per child from birth to 1 years old. Eligible income criteria and what information you need to apply can be found online on the Healthy Start webpage.

You can use your Healthy Start food vouchers in any shop that is registered to take part in the scheme. There are over 90 registered retailers in Merton, so look out for the Healthy Start sticker in shop windows, or ask inside. To find participating retailers nearby online visit:  

Vitamins are available from the reception at the following outlets:

  • Acacia Children’s Centre, 230 Grove Road, Mitcham CR4 1SD. Tel: 020 8274 5300
  • Ivy Gardens Children's Centre, Ivy Gardens, Mitcham CR4 1BR. Tel: 020 8274 5300
  • Lavender Steers Mead Children’s Centre, Veals Mead CR4 3HL. Tel: 020 8274 5300
  • Newminster Children's Centre, Newminster Road, Morden SM4 6HJ. Tel: 020 8274 5300
4 to 6 years: 5 cubes of sugar; 7 to 10 years: 6 cubes; 11+ years: 7 cubes

Healthy eating – the UK government and the NHS guidance

Read this government health eating guidance to learn about safe sugar consumption and other recommendations.

Eat Well guidance - see link for a text version

The NHS has 8 tips for healthy eating on their website, the Eatwell Guide and can also guide you on what to feed young children.

Mental health and emotional well-being for young people

As a parent, you want the best for your child’s mental well-being. It is so important to look out for each other’s mental and emotional health, and there are lots of resources available which might help you and your family.

Good Thinking provides some wellbeing tips, podcasts, links to free apps (and more) for young people to help with anxiety, stress, poor sleep and more as well as resources for parents and carers.

Thrive LDN also signposts to a range of wellbeing websites and has partnered with Doctors of the World to produce wellbeing resources in different languages.

Another resource is Stem4Apps which are free apps for young people to help manage anxiety, low mood and other mental health issues.

Child holding a wooden instrument

Merton Emotional Wellbeing Support Services for Children and Young People include ‘Off the Record’ which offers in-person and remote emotional support and counselling and ‘Kooth’, an anonymous online counselling service.

Physical activity

You’d be surprised how much regular exercise, whether around your house, in the garden or around your local park, can help improve your fitness, wellbeing and that of your children! Merton has a range of different activities taking place in the borough to get involved with.

Try 23 in 2023 – Many Merton residents would be planning to mark the start of the new year with making their New Year resolutions. Now here is an idea... Whether you are a parent or a child, commit to challenging yourself this year with our tailored list of 23 activities (click here to see the lists: Merton Can) that you could do in 2023 to look and feel healthier. It’s realistic. And it’s fun! 

People on a beach

If you use social networks, why not share this commitment with your friends and family, using these hashtags: #23in2023 and #mertonhealth? The choice of which commitments to take up – or all 23 – is yours! It would also be great if you share your progress throughout the year and we could retweet some of your efforts to cheer you on your journey! Just tag our Twitter and Facebook pages, or send us your stories to our email:

Physical activity guidelines - see link for a text version

If you’d like some science based guidance from the Chief Medical Officers in the UK on the amount and type of physical activity people should be doing to improve their health, check this out: Physical activity guidelines (GOV.UK)

Playing football

One You Merton is here for adults and families. One You Merton can support you and your family to eat healthily, stop smoking, get physically active and drink less alcohol. For physical activity, they have a webpage with ideas for Children and Families which include Disney Dance along, the daily mile and more. You and your kids won’t be bored!


Living safely with Covid-19

Now that we are learning to live with COVID-19, it is still important that you keep yourself, your family and wider community safe. We can all do this by continuing to follow the 5 key messages on the poster above.

Getting vaccinated is one of the most important ways to protect yourself and your family – the autumn booster is available to those who are at high risk of complications from getting the COVID-19 virus and includes anyone over the age of 5 with a health condition and paid or unpaid carers – check full eligibility here: How to get a booster dose of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine (NHS).

If you have not yet had either of your first two doses of the vaccine (or a third dose for those with a weakened immune system) there is still time – but don’t put it off for too long.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine including booking an appointment or finding a walk-in clinic in Merton, please visit Covid-19 - NHS South West London Integrated Care Board.


Flu is a very common and highly infectious disease. While flu is unpleasant for most people, it can be dangerous and even life threatening for some, particularly people with certain health conditions.

This year there is increased risk of co-circulation of the COVID-19 and flu - get both vaccines to maximise protection if you are eligible.


To find out more about what is going on in your local area, please subscribe to our newsletter and look out for the quarterly My Merton magazine.

Further links to Council services can also be found on this website and via the Family Service Directory. Other opportunities for young people in Merton to get involved with Merton Council are available via Merton’s Youth Services or via Linktree where young people can have their voices heard.

Holiday Activities and Food programme

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme has projects across Merton for children and young people from 5 years old to 15 years. In school holidays they can enjoy:

  • Sports, including football, basketball, dodgeball and athletics
  • Creative activities including theatre workshops, film making, music production, dance workshops and arts and craft
  • Trips out - trampolining centres, famous sports venues, central London days out, beaches on the South coast, theme parks, animal petting and others
  • Preparing ingredients and learning about cooking great food.

There are drinks and snacks throughout sessions and a hot meal during every session. Each project is delivered by qualified coaches and staff, who help children and young people achieve their best in a safe and fun environment. There are trips to the Pantomimes too.

HAF projects are free for children and young people eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Other children can attend most projects by paying a daily fee.

For children and young people with SEND the programme is becoming more inclusive every holiday, with specialist staff to enable children to participate in mainstream HAF projects where they can, and specialist HAF projects where needed.

You can find more details about the HAF programme by visiting

See what’s on offer and book your places soon!

Please contact if you have any questions or comments. We’d love to hear from you.