On this page
The Early Years Foundation Stage framework
All Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, which sets the standards for learning, development and care of children from birth to five. For guidance, practical support and information about meeting the requirements of the EYFS, other helpful resources, and to download the statutory guidance use the following links:
As well as the full framework, GOV.UK has a section of support for early years providers:
Foundation Years Website
- Development Matters - guidance which supports the delivery of the EYFS
- Foundation Years- information and support for those working in the early years and childcare sector
EYFS Moderation
- Early years foundation stage profile - Handbook 2022.This guidance has been produced to help teachers and early years practitioners make accurate judgements about each child’s level of development at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and to detail the statutory requirements for the EYFS profile assessment in the 2021/22 academic year
Links to more information to support you to deliver the EYFS
- National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)
- Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY)
- Ofsted- information on registering your childcare business and inspection guidance.
- Resources on healthy eating and safe food preparation- guidance around how to prepare food for Early Years children and how to make sure that meals are healthy and safe. You may find it useful to refer to this guidance when reviewing policies surrounding food and drink in your setting, or when inducting new members of staff to the EYFS requirements.
- What to expect in the EYFS – a Guide for Parents is a useful tool for childcare providers to share with parents and carers
- National Children's Bureau (NCB)
- Early Education Website - publications and resources
- The Literacy Trust (early years resources including training)
- Speech and Language UK: Changing young lives
Meeting the needs of children with additional needs
Information and documentation is available online to help childcare providers to best support children with SEN, disabilities and vulnerable and disadvantaged children.
- Early Years SENCO Handbook
- Early Years SENCO Handbook Appendices (Zip file)
- Services for schools: Ordinarily Available Guidance
- Early Years SEND Support and SENDIF
- Inclusion Advisory Support Request Form
- SENDIF Handbook and Guidance
- SENDIF Application Form (SENDIF is only available to providers delivering funded places)
- SENDIF Audit
- SENDIF Extension Form
- SENDIF Change of Setting form
- The Merton SEN Local Offer- services, advice and support for children and young people with SEND and their families. If you are a childcare provider with experience of working with children with SEN and disabilities, you can provide details of this on the Local Offer.
- Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments and Plans (Merton Local Offer)
- Merton’s Portage Service- educational support for children under 3 with significant additional needs and disabilities
- Merton's Children and Young People's disability database Parents can register with the database to receive information and updates and help inform the Local Authority of the need for services in the borough.
- M-card- a concession card for children and young people that provides a quick and discrete way to raise awareness that the holder has disabilities or Special Educational Needs.
- Training and professional development (Merton Council) to support Early Years practitioners with their knowledge, skills and practice around SEND.
- NASEN (the National Association of Special Educational needs) supports practitioners by providing relevant information, training and resources to enable staff to meet all pupils’ needs.
- Help for early years providers : SEND assessment guidance and resources
- Resources for Practitioners - Dingley's Promise
Effective safeguarding and child protection
The Children and Families Hub
It is everybody’s responsibility to keep children and young people safe. If you are not sure if a child is at risk, seek advice from a ‘designated person’ in your setting or speak to a Children and Families Hub worker (020 8545 4226). The Children and Families Hub provide advice online about what do if you are worried about a child
The Children and Families Hub is the single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns regarding children and young people in Merton - The Children and Families Hub
Contact protocols for safeguarding referrals
If a childcare provider has concerns about a child, or a child is seriously injured in their care they should follow the Contact Protocols below for safeguarding of children.
- Contact protocol for making safeguarding referrals: Contact List 1
- Contact protocol for serious accidents or injuries: Contact List 2
- Contact List Guidance notes
Merton’s Continuous Improvement Team
- Merton’s Continuous Improvement Team provides a free advice and support service during office hours for providers when a serious incident involving children or staff has occurred. Email: providers@merton.gov.uk
- Safeguarding training courses for Early Years providers
Ongoing suitability of staff safeguarding and health declaration forms:
Useful Links
The Merton Safeguarding Children Partnership (MSCP) website provides resources for professionals and practitioners who work with children and young people. This includes guidance, strategies and details of teams and organisations working in safeguarding in Merton.
The MSCP also offers safeguarding training and learning on a number of topics. This is free for early education and childcare providers.
Gov.uk: What to do if you're worried a child is being abused - Advice for practitioners
Resources and tools to help you sustain your childcare business
Support from Merton Council
- Promote vacancies at your setting for free – update your entry on the Family Services Directory or comment on the monthly vacancies post at the top of the Merton Information for Families Facebook page
- Visit the Training and Development page to find out about our training and networking opportunities for childcare providers.
- The GOV.UK website contains advice, examples and resources to help early years providers run a sustainable childcare business and
- Support for early years providers to run sustainable businesses: summary - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years
The PACEY website has a business support section: Business Smart | PACEY which, as well as ideas, inspiration, planning and marketing tips, includes online calculators to help you to understand the cost of delivering your childcare service:
National Day Nurseries Association
The Early Years Business Zone | NDNA | Nursery Business Support offers free resources for childcare providers to help them run their business. You must register with the NDNA (for free) to access the hub.
London Business Hub
- As well as advisor support, London Business Hub early years and childminding support provides lots of business resources to help you develop your business regardless of what stage it is currently at.
Merton Chamber of Commerce
Merton Chamber of Commerce is an organisation that offers events, resources, information and more for local businesses.
Resources for providing funded childcare
If you are unsure about whether to provide free (funded) places and Tax-Free childcare for parents, or need more information, there is guidance available:
- Information for Childcare providers | Childcare choices Childcare choices has information for childcare providers if you chose to provide Tax-Free Childcare or free places for 2,3 and 4 year-olds.
- Sign up to Tax-Free Childcare if you’re a childcare provider - GOV.UK
- DfE's 30 hour mixed model partnership toolkit | Family and Childcare Trust
Mental wellbeing and business support
Resources from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families:
- Early years staff wellbeing: a resource for managers and teams
- Staff Wellbeing in the Early Years webinar video
Nurturing Future Minds - links to resources to help Early Years practitioners support parents, the social and emotional learning and wellbeing of children and their own / staff wellbeing.
The Strong Early Years London webinar archive includes events on a range of topics, including staff morale and motivation.
Contact us
We do not have a direct phone line option for Early Years providers to call. Please use email to contact us at all times.
- All early education funding enquiries must be sent to ey.funding@merton.gov.uk
- Other enquiries can be sent to providers@merton.gov.uk