
Gap Road Cemetery, also known as Wimbledon Cemetery, is open to residents and non-residents. It is 20 acres in size and opened in 1876. 


Gap Road Cemetery
Gap Road
SW19 8JA

Bus routes 156 and 439

Opening times

New graves

We have new graves available for traditional, American casket and cremation remains burials.

We normally dig graves for two interments, but depending on ground conditions we can sometimes only offer graves for one.

Grave information leaflet

Types of grave available

  • traditional graves
  • cremated remains grave
  • public graves

Garden spaces

We welcome garden spaces in front of the headstones of graves; the rest of the grave will be grassed over. Having a garden space is optional and if you decide to have one, the family and the grave owner are responsible for taking care of the space. If you decide not to have a garden space, we can turf over the area. The rest of the grave will be grassed over. We ask that this area remains clear so that we can maintain and cut the grass and areas around each grave.

If you would like a garden space for traditional grave,a lawn style headstones can be erected at the head of the grave which allows a garden space with a maximum size: 0.76 metre (two feet six inches) wide and 1.52 metres (five feet) length this is left for planting bedding flowers or small shrubs.

If you would like a garden space for a cremated remains grave, a lawn style headstones can be erected at the head of the grave which allows a garden space with a maximum size: 1.22 metres (four feet) wide by 0.46 metre (18 inches) in length. The rest of the grassed area must be kept clear at all times. 


The cemetery has a chapel that can be used for a 30 minute service prior to a burial. The chapel has seating for 40 people. It is suitable for all faiths and beliefs. It has wheelchair access, a hearing loop and Bluetooth speaker

Contact us

idverde ltd
Cemeteries Office (visits are by appointment only)
Cheam Depot
Cheam Park
Tudor Close

Tel: 020 3876 8806