Other adults or non-dependants are expected to contribute to the cost of the rent or council tax according to their income.

Who counts as a non dependant adult

Deductions may be made from Housing Benefit (HB) or Council Tax Support (CTS) if a claimant has other adults living with them. These other adults are known as non dependants.

Non-dependent adults are adults who live with a claimant as part of their household. By household we mean people who live with the claimant and do not have their own liability to pay rent to the claimant or the landlord of the property. They will often share living rooms and meals with the claimant.

Non dependants do not include:

  • your partner,
  • young adults aged 16-17, that the claimant gets child benefit for
  • joint tenants,
  • the landlord;
  • other tenants in the property who have their own tenancy agreement
  • or people who rent a room from the claimant under a commercial agreement (lodgers, sub-tenants or boarders).

How non-dependants affect your claim for HB and CTS

Non-dependant deductions are made depending on their gross income before tax and national insurance, and the average hours they work. The deductions are lower if the non-dependant is getting Income Support , income related Employment and Support Allowance, income based Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit. No deduction applies for any non-dependant getting Pension Credit.

If the circumstances of any non-dependant changes then claimants must tell us about the change straight away. See Reporting changes for more information.

Non dependant adult deduction rates

Housing Benefit deduction rates are published every year by the DWP on GOV.UK

Non dependant income and ageWeekly deduction (£) from HB
Non dependant not in workRates 2024/25
aged 25 and over in receipt of IS and JSA (IB), or any age in receipt of main phase ESA (IR), aged 18 or over and not in remunerative work.19.30
Aged 18 or over, in remunerative work 
Gross income: less than £17619.30
Gross income: £176 to £255.9944.40
Gross income: £256 to £333.9960.95
Gross income: £334 to £444.9999.65
Gross income: £445 to £553.99113.50
Gross income: £554 and above124.55

Council Tax Support rates are published in our scheme each year:

Non dependant incomeWeekly deduction (£) from CTS
Getting pension credit0.00
not in remunerative work.4.90
Gross income: less than £2564.90
Gross income: £256 to £444.9910.05
Gross income: £445 to £553.9912.60
Gross income: £554 and above15.10

Where no deduction is made

If you or your partner is registered blind, or receiving attendance allowance or the care component of disability living allowance or the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP), no non-dependant deduction is made.

Contact us

Merton Benefits Service
PO Box 610
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Email: housing.benefits@merton.gov.uk 
Telephone: 020 8274 4903