How to get more information about the decision

If you want more information about the decision, contact us about the decision letter straight away.

You must do this straight away because if you want

you must do this within one month of the date on the decision letter and any delay in getting information about the decision reduces the time you have got to appeal.


The information you can get about the decision

When you contact us you have a choice about how to get the information.

  • You can ask us to verbally explain the reasons for the decision


  • if you want more information to help you decide what to do, ask us for a written statement of reasons for the decision if we have not already sent you one.

You must do this within one month of the date of the decision letter. We will send the statement of reasons to you as soon as possible. The one month you have to ask us to look at the decision again or to appeal against it will be extended by the time we took to send the statement of reasons.


If you still disagree with the decision

It is very important that you tell us if you are happy, or not happy about the decision after it has been explained. If you still disagree with the decision, you can:


Contact us

Contact us about benefits